Cuban American Jericho March Co-Founder: ‘By God’s Grace, 4 More Years’

NTD Television

WASHINGTON—Elizabeth DeLuca, a co-founder of the Jericho March, was born in Cuba and is well aware of the threat communism poses to individual freedoms and the liberty of a nation. This threat is a key issue in this presidential election as well, DeLuca explained, and one reason so many Americans are taking to the streets to support President Donald Trump.

Thousands gathered to join marches and rallies in Washington on Dec. 12, 2020—the Jericho March being one of the demonstrations. Similar grassroots protests have taken place every Saturday since the general election in capitals across 50 states.

“We’re here because we want to be here for our president Donald J. Trump. We believe that we have to fight this and we believe in prayer and we believe in the Constitution of the United States,” she said. “We value our freedoms. I was born in Havana, Cuba, so I understand socialism. I understand communism, and that’s something we will fight, to prevent that happening in this country.”

DeLuca said she was disappointed that the Supreme Court has not taken up the fight.

“We have to validate our elections and we have to validate every vote, and I’m still hopeful that God will help us through this,” she said.

“I support President Trump because he believes in capitalism, he believes in the free market; he’s our president’s of law and order, and you can’t have a country without law and order, and you can’t have a country without a border,” she said. “I was born in Cuba and I believe in legal immigration and we have to protect our country.”

“We’re all Americans. It’s not white, it’s not brown, it’s not purple, yellow ... It’s red, white, and blue,” DeLuca said.

DeLuca has faith in Trump because he fights and he wins, she said, and when he wins, America wins.

“I believe he will hold the line, and he will win,” she said. “We’re here to thank him. We’re here to thank his family. We pray for his family, we pray for our First Lady, we pray for the children because they’re out there every day to fight for us and our freedoms and our country. So we’re here for them.”

“This is good versus evil, and God is good, and God will always win,” she said. “And Trump is good ... By God’s grace, four more years.”

DeLuca said she tells her friends who voted Democrat that this election needs to be fair and just, “otherwise we become a third world country. Like the country I came from,” she said. “Or Venezuela.

“Talk to all the South American countries that don’t have fair elections. We have to protect the integrity of elections in America. Whether you are Democrat or Republican, you should be standing with us.”

This video is part of our special series ’What Voters Say.' To watch more videos click here.