Creating A Marketing Plan That Is Smart And Effective

Creating A Marketing Plan That Is Smart And Effective
Adam Simpson

Marketing your business is a tricky area; generating new customers and revenue is almost always the goal, yet every business has a different plan on how marketing can achieve those results. The problem is that every industry, market and individual business is different, requiring a unique and individualized plan for each company. However, there are certain traits that most effective marketing plans contain that can help you get your business on the right track.

Traits To Include In Your Marketing Plan

Creating an effective marketing plan requires research, tracking and, often, trial and error says Karen Swager of Media Garage Group in St. Petersburg, Florida. One type of advertising may work excellent for one business, yet be unfruitful for another. The best plans are well-researched and varied, making the most of every dollar in your marketing budget. Some traits your plan should include:

  • Blending. Having a blended approach is necessary for the digital age. Your advertising should be touching customers while they are online, mobile and at their homes. In addition, all your marketing efforts should be complementary, with a blended message focused on the same goal.

  • Proactive. You need to anticipate your customers’ needs and the best time to put your company in front of them to ensure a sale.

  • Reactive. Often advertising needs to change due to shifts in the market. A marketing plan needs to be reactive and flexible to be effective.

  • Intelligently designed. Research is key to finding the right marketing plan for your business. You need to know who your competitors are, what marketing is working for your industry and the right timing to make your advertising the most effective.

For many business owners, managing all the different types of marketing available and executing their plan can be time-consuming. Plus, marketing strategies and venues are constantly changing. To stay on track, many find that hiring an experienced marketing company is the best way to ensure they are incorporating all these traits into their marketing plan to get the best results. It is worth the investment in an expert to get the most out of every marketing dollar spent on gaining new customers.