‘Cover up or Leave:’ Mother Forced to Leave Public Pool for Breast Feeding Her Baby

‘Cover up or Leave:’ Mother Forced to Leave Public Pool for Breast Feeding Her Baby
Stock image of a mother and a baby. fancycrave1 /Pixabay
Venus Upadhayaya

A mother in Texas was forced to leave a public pool on June 9 after she started breastfeeding her hungry and fussy 10-month-old.

Misty Daugereaux was visiting the Nessler Park Family Aquatic Center in Texas City with her 10-month-old son, another 4-year-old son and a 4-year-old nephew on Sunday, according to a Facebook post by the mother.

Daugereaux said she discretely tried to feed her hungry baby when she was told to “cover up/follow the rules or leave.”

“1st I had a lifeguard come from behind me, as I was discretely soothing my crying baby and told me I couldn’t breastfeed at the public pool. Then the manager told me I had to cover up/follow the rules or leave, then lastly a TCPD showed up and made me leave!” Daugereaux wrote on Facebook.

The mother shared that she felt hurt and ashamed because of the way she was treated by the staff at the pool.

“I’m so hurt, embarrassed and ASHAMED, that this is what TEXAS CITY STANDS FOR. They’re employees should be educated! They’re manager could of used that moment to educate her staff! Yet I was escorted out with two 4-year-olds and my 10m old on my hip!” she wrote.

She said she didn’t want to create a scene and left the place in tears.

“Tears pouring down my face. My son asked, Momma why won’t they let you feed MAXX? I was alone not wanting to cause a scene and scare my kids, to the momma that stood up for me THANK YOU!” wrote Daugereaux.

The Texas City Police Department later published an apology over the incidence on its Facebook on Monday.

“We the City of Texas City are reviewing the nursing concerns raised at the Nessler Pool and how it was addressed by our staff,” the police said in the statement.

“We apologize to Misty Daugereaux as it was clear she was offended by how she was treated at our City Facility. City policies and procedures will be reviewed and revised as deemed necessary. Any deficiencies regarding our employee’s actions will be addressed with further training,” said the police.

Grieving Mom Donates 92 Gallons of Breastmilk After Miscarriage, Helps Save Preemie Babies’ Lives

A mother’s tragic loss after bearing a stillborn child turned into a blessing for other newborns facing pregnancy complications. It was by giving from her own body, her breastmilk, that this was made possible.

What makes this story even more incredible was the sheer volume of milk she donated: a whopping 92 gallons of breastmilk over the course of eight whole months.

The mother, from Maine, Amy Anderson, became pregnant in 2010. At 15 weeks into her pregnancy, the couple learned that her unborn child had a serious health problem: he was suffering from a lower urinary tract obstruction.

In a bid to avert a potentially fatal disaster, they planned to have the unborn baby undergo surgery. But when the day came for the parents to schedule a date for the operation, tragedy struck. A buildup inside the baby’s urinary tract caused so much pressure that the baby’s heart could not take it. Sadly, on Oct. 30, 2010, baby Bryson Anderson was born, but was stillborn.

Yet, although Bryson wasn’t with them anymore, Amy’s body responded as if her angel son were still alive, producing milk to nourish what would have been a premature, and possibly sick, infant baby. Doctors instructed Amy not to pump out her milk, yet her instincts told her otherwise, and she followed them—it gave her relief to do so.

After doing a little research, Amy learned that there was, in fact, a great need for mothers to donate their breastmilk to help save the lives of premature babies, whose lives often dangle by a thread.

What’s more, Amy’s milk would be what is called “preterm great milk;” as Bryson was born so premature, Amy’s body would respond by producing breastmilk that would be extremely rich in nutrients in order to nurse her weak child back to health.

She donated 92 gallons in all over the next eight months that followed. It was a silver lining that she was able to help save the lives of other children despite her own loss. And it was this positive experience that led her to continue donating regularly to the Mother’s Milk Bank Northeast—and also to work toward getting her certification to become a breastfeeding consultant.

Michael Wing contributed to this report.
Venus Upadhayaya
Venus Upadhayaya
Venus Upadhayaya reports on India, China, and the Global South. Her traditional area of expertise is in Indian and South Asian geopolitics. Community media, sustainable development, and leadership remain her other areas of interest.
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