Cornell’s Roosevelt Island Tech Campus Enters Public Review Process

Cornell University’s planned 12.5-acre Roosevelt Island tech campus has entered a seven-month land use review process that will take it through reviews by various entities including City Council.
Cornell’s Roosevelt Island Tech Campus Enters Public Review Process
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1775622" title="Aerial-Screen-Shot-2-1dr0k2g-1024x612-One of several new renderings released by Cornell University depicting the future tech campus on Roosevelt Island. (Courtesy of Cornell NYC Tech)" src="" alt="One of several new renderings released by Cornell University depicting the future tech campus on Roosevelt Island. (Courtesy of Cornell NYC Tech)" width="590" height="352"/></a>
One of several new renderings released by Cornell University depicting the future tech campus on Roosevelt Island. (Courtesy of Cornell NYC Tech)

NEW YORK—Cornell University’s planned 12.5-acre Roosevelt Island tech campus has entered a seven-month land use review process that will take it through reviews by various entities including City Council.

The first phase of the campus, slated to open in 2017, will include an academic building, a corporate building, an education center with hotel facilities, a residential building for students and staff, and open public space.

The first academic building on campus is designed to be “net-zero energy,” harvesting “as much energy as it consumes,” according to a media release.

<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1775624" title="Screen-Shot-Esplanade-copy-2aqedw3-1024x568-One of several new renderings released by Cornell University depicting the future tech campus on Roosevelt Island. (Courtesy of Cornell NYC Tech)" src="" alt="One of several new renderings released by Cornell University depicting the future tech campus on Roosevelt Island. (Courtesy of Cornell NYC Tech)" width="590" height="327"/></a>
One of several new renderings released by Cornell University depicting the future tech campus on Roosevelt Island. (Courtesy of Cornell NYC Tech)