Conservatives Calling for Police to Investigate WE Charity Scandal

Conservatives Calling for Police to Investigate WE Charity Scandal
Craig Kielburger (L) and his brother Marc introduce Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau at WE Day celebrations in Ottawa on Nov. 10, 2015. The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld
The Canadian Press

OTTAWA—The Conservatives say they want a criminal investigation into the Liberal government’s decision to have the WE organization run a $900-million program for student volunteers.

Their call for police to step in comes after it was revealed that the group has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees to members of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s family.

Trudeau is already under investigation by the ethics commissioner for potential conflict of interest with regard to the contract, as his long-standing family ties to the group are well known.

But that review was launched prior to revelations the prime minister’s mother, brother and wife have been paid in the past by the WE organization and the Conservatives say that elevates the issue to a potential crime.

The Conservatives say they will send a letter to the police today to see if a section of the Criminal Code pertaining to government fraud could be applied in this situation.

Trudeau has maintained the non-partisan public service recommended WE to administer the program, though did acknowledge he did not recuse himself from the cabinet approval of the deal.