Conservative Gays Speak Out Against ‘Radical LGBTQ Agenda’

Conservative Gays Speak Out Against ‘Radical LGBTQ Agenda’
California State Superintendent of Schools Tony Thurmond reads from the book "Red: A Crayon's Story" to second grade students at Nystrom Elementary School in Richmond, Calif., on May 17, 2022. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Alice Giordano

A group of conservative gays including a celebrity drag queen is coming out against what they call the radical left LGBTQ+ agenda of promoting drag queen events for children and trying to de-gender society by pushing transgenderism.

In coming out against “their own,” the group of men, all emerging social media influencers, say they know they are risking being ostracized by some of the gay lobby pushing these so-called “woke agendas,” as they called them, but said they are concerned that if they don’t speak up, the radical movement will ruin the progress gays have made to be accepted as normal.

William Browning, a veteran drag queen who now manages Ru Paul drag queen pageantries in LA, blames parents and educators for embracing what he told The Epoch Times is “obviously and absolutely inappropriate activity” being promoted by what he referred to as “the alphabet community.”

“There is a difference between being gay and promoting deviant behavior and we want to make that distinction,” said Browning, a former truck driver and diesel mechanic who has half a million followers on social media and is also a staunch supporter of former president Donald Trump.

Browning and the other men are so disgusted by what they call the “crazy woke gay movement” that they produced a video they are releasing on June 24 entitled Top 5 Things About The LGBTQIA+ Community No Ones Talking About.

The men chose Pride Month to release the video because they want the growing number of parents who take their kids to Pride Month events and are supporting radical gay agendas in their schools to see how misguided they are.

“It’s normalizing public indecency,” said Frank Rodriguez, who helped produce the video, “if we don’t draw it in and end this nonsense, the entire gay community is going to get labeled as supporting it.”

Rodriguez, who hosts a popular weekly YouTube show on gay-centric issues, said the gay community has enough problems without far-left gays promoting them as sexual deviants. “Being gay is only a part of who we are,” Rodriguez, who holds multiple degrees, emphasized.

According to Rodriguez, opioid use is three times higher in the gay community than among heterosexuals. Gay pride month, he said, is a venue for drug use and also sexual assaults that go largely underreported because of assaults by gays on gays. Rodriquez would actually like to abolish “pride month.”

He said he is shocked by the growing number of parents that he has observed standing next to their children clapping and smiling as gay men expose themselves during public gay performances. “It has literally made me sick to my stomach,” he said, “do parents actually think this is progressive?”

Anthony Raimondi, known as Conservative Ant to his quarter of a million followers on social media, said he knows there are many gays who feel the same, but are are afraid to speak up publicly. “We worked so hard to normalize our lifestyle, to get married and to adopt children and we are now going back 10 years,” said Raimondi, who also appears in the video.

For Browning, who has long been performing in drag under the names Kitty Demure and Hogatha, the most disturbing is the support of drag queen events by parents, government officials, and taxpayer-funded institutions such as the Smithsonian American Art Museum, which hosted a drag show earlier this month for children as young as three.

The industry, he said, is based purely on adult gay sex. He said there is a lot of drug use in the drag queen industry and there is nothing about drag queens that is intended to benefit children.

“Parents are exposing their children to a culture that was never meant to be child friendly,” he said. “They are treating it like a lifestyle. I put on these shows and I’ve seen a million of them and I’ve been in a million of them; I know what they’re doing. They are taking their night time drag queen routine and putting it into a day time setting for kids.”

Browning suspects that when parents see big companies like Geico and Chase Bank with their “rainbow-covered corporate” signs sponsoring gay events, they take that as virtue signaling when in reality, the companies are just tapping into the revenue potential of a popular radical agenda.

Even promoting things like transgender closets, he suspects, has a profit-making agenda. “You have a dysphoric kid, so now you’re buying two wardrobes,” said Browning.

Browning wants parents who take their kids to drag queen story hours to ask themselves when the last time they saw a natural woman dress the way drag queen dresses. “and then ask themselves -- what’s the benefit here,” he said. “Because what they are actually teaching kids is to disrespect women by using drag queens for child entertainment, because drag queens basically dress like whores.”

In addition to drag queen events for kids including drag queen story hours for young children, the men are against the aggressive promotion of non-gender pronouns and transgender sex ed of any kind in schools, which they called “grooming out in the open.”

David Zorkocy, a well-known TikTok user under the name “Gay Republican,” said he is concerned gay sex education is desensitiing children to sexual assaults.

“Even if you [are] not grooming them to be gay, you’re grooming them to perform sex acts,” said Zorkocy, “because you’re exposing them to people who touch themselves where kids have been taught not to allow anyone to touch them. It’s mixed signals at best.”

Alice Giordano
Alice Giordano
Freelance reporter
Alice Giordano is a freelance reporter for The Epoch Times. She is a former news correspondent for The Boston Globe, Associated Press, and the New England bureau of The New York Times.
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