Congress Goes Back to Work

Congress returned from its summer recess on Tuesday and will likely focus on the economy and job creation during the coming weeks.
Congress Goes Back to Work

Congress returned from its summer recess on Tuesday and will likely focus on the economy and job creation during the coming weeks.

President Barack Obama is to deliver an address Sept. 8, to both the House and the Senate, and will lay out his jobs creation plan to revive the slumping economy.

In a speech on Monday in Detroit, Obama called on Democrats and especially Republicans to endorse his jobs plan.

“We just need Congress to get on board,” he said.

After the Republicans took over the House, it has been difficult for the White House to push its agenda in Congress. “We’re going to see if congressional Republicans will put country before party,” Obama added.

According to data released last week, job creation in August stagnated, with no new jobs created. The unemployment rate stayed at 9.1 percent.