Concerned for Children, UK Doctor Warns of Vaccine Risks, Is Suspended

Concerned for Children, UK Doctor Warns of Vaccine Risks, Is Suspended
Members of the public receive a dose of a COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine inside a temporary vaccination center set up at the Emirates Stadium, home to the Arsenal football club, in north London on June 25, 2021. (Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP via Getty Images)
Andrew Davies

Sam White qualified as a doctor in 2004 and quickly rose to become a partner in a rural medical practice in Hampshire, England, but after he questioned the response of the National Health Service (NHS) to the pandemic his career with the agency was effectively over.

To begin with he had tried to raise his concerns with his colleagues, but he told me in a wide-ranging interview, “I felt absolute frustration at not being listened to, and I wondered where we as a nation were going with this.”

His doubts led him to resign as a partner in February 2020, but he continued working as a substitute doctor and last month decided to air his grievances on video. To his surprise it attracted over a million views before being taken down by Instagram after just three days, but also led to a letter from the NHS informing him that he was being suspended.

In an article for Conservative Woman Dr. White explains: “It’s hard to go against the grain like this, but when I found out they were going to start testing the vaccine on children, I couldn’t sleep …. The risks from the vaccine are completely unknown because it’s barely been tested, but reactions are beginning to come to light. Adolescent boys seem to be developing myocarditis—heart inflammation—which can permanently damage the heart.”

White believes the vaccine program is in breach of the legal requirements for clinicians to obtain the free and informed consent of those being vaccinated, and that the requirement to wear face coverings in an NHS setting is in breach of its common law obligations.

Lawyers representing him have recently sent an explosive open letter to the CEO of NHS England, Sir Simon Stevens. This is the first step in a campaign to get White reinstated, to inform the public of the issues and also to press legal charges.
An area of major concern to White is that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) failed to consider safe and effective medicines available as an alternative to vaccination, such as Ivermectin, HCQ, zinc, and Budesonide. In not doing so he feels the UK government and its scientific advisory body, SAGE, have failed to act in the public’s best interests.

According to White, “The spike protein is the toxin. Interestingly, Ivermectin is so effective because it prevents binding of the spike protein to the ACE2 receptors on cells and also exerts an anti-coagulant effect so there’s no need to worry about endless variants. This is more treatable than influenza.”

He also worries that vaccine passports will turn people who rely on their own immune system into second-class citizens. In his open letter, White cites Article 6 of the UNESCO Declaration of Bio-Ethics and Human Rights, which states the public has the right to decline any medical treatment without being penalized through such sanctions.

Failure to Inform Adequately

White feels a major failure of the NHS has been to inform the public of the material risks of taking the vaccine, and that they should also have been informed that none of the vaccines provide full immunity or stop transmission.

Furthermore, before taking the vaccine, the British public was not made fully aware of what the chances were of dying from the coronavirus infection or recovering from it.

Critically, he feels people are not being told that the vaccines are still in clinical trial and that there is no data on medium-term to long-term safety and there is no evidence available to show the safety and efficacy of the vaccine for pregnant women, the elderly or on those previously infected with COVID, as the trials that were carried out were done using healthy people.

Advertising the Vaccine

The Human Medicines Regulations Act of 2012 makes it a criminal offence for licensed medicines to be advertised by celebrities and any advert should notify the viewer what the active ingredient is in the vaccine. Yet White claims the NHS allowed its logo to be used on a series of adverts using celebrities to promote vaccination.
He also feels its campaign places unfair pressure on people to have a vaccination by suggesting that it protects other members of their family including the elderly. He also feels the adverts give the impression that the vaccines have been licensed rather than the true position, which is that they have only been granted emergency use authorization.

He says: “They make no reference to the risk, however small, of serious adverse events and there has been very little information to the public on the efficacy of the immune system to fight off any COVID infection.“

To date over 1,300 deaths have been reported in the UK. Other known side effects include Bells Palsy, thrombo-embolic events with low platelets, Capillary Leak Syndrome (CLS), menstrual disorder with extreme bleeding, myocarditis, and pericarditis.
Another area of concern for White is that The Salk Institute has discovered the spike protein, a constituent component in the vaccine, is a toxin, and the Japanese medicine regulator has found that those who have been vaccinated have a concentration of spike proteins in every organ of their body, in particular the ovaries. 
Because of the lack of information being made available about the risks involved, White feels the public is not able to give informed consent to vaccinations for themselves or for their children.

Wearing Masks in an NHS Setting

UK regulations require all masks to be category three to counter the risks posed by biological agents, yet the masks provided to NHS clinicians, he claims, are not category three and neither are those worn by the public, so they do not provide any meaningful benefit, “Wearing a non-category three mask in an NHS facility poses a material risk of bacterial infection and even hypoxia for prolonged use”.
White claims that six times the safe level of CO2 has been recorded in children wearing masks and some of the masks manufactured in China contain toxins.

As for White, his own future remains uncertain. He told me, “Yes, it would be nice to see my suspension lifted, but I don’t have much confidence that it will be. It is not right that someone can do that to you simply for pointing out the overwhelming amount of evidence that exists—the Hippocratic oath should still mean something.”

Andrew Davies is a UK-based video producer and writer. His award-winning video on underage sex abuse helped Barnardos children’s charity change UK law, while his documentary “Batons, Bows and Bruises: A History of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra,” ran for six years on the Sky Arts Channel. 
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Andrew Davies is a UK-based video producer and writer. His award-winning video on underage sex abuse helped Barnardos children’s charity change UK law, while his documentary “Batons, Bows and Bruises: A History of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra,” ran for six years on the Sky Arts Channel.
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