Communication Game: Watch How the Fact Is Hilariously Distorted Into Completely Something Else

Epoch Video

A viewer captured a funny communication game played by audience members at an event overseas. The event’s keynote speaker, Yuli Tonkin, is captured on video playing a game with members of his audience that quickly turns hilarious.

With all participants facing away in a single file line, Tonkin taps the first audience member on the shoulder to grab their attention. He then acts out a movement that resembles riding a motorcycle for the player to repeat to the next person in line. The process repeats down the line to some hilarious results.

To viewer’s surprise, the message being passed changes from person to person! Each interprets the movements and actions differently, passing a new, unique version down the line with subtle laughs from observers echoing in the background. Each mimics a funny dance move or movement, drawing the attention of the surrounding crowd.

A lesson in the power of communication, Tonkin explains everyone has his or her own way of explaining something, and that rumors and the likes because popular if we share them as evidenced by this game.

You cannot help but laugh when you see what people do in this video. How do you think you would do in such an exercise? Watch the video now to see how it went wrong for so many others.