CM Punk vs Sting

CM Punk vs Sting
WWE superstar CM Punk (
Zachary Stallings

There has always been a match that WWE fans have wanted to see; The Undertaker vs Sting. With the Undertaker losing at this year’s WrestleMania it looks like that match may never happen. There is a possibility for one match in my opinion that could steal the show (if it were to happen) at WrestleMania 31, CM Punk vs Sting. The possibility of this match happening is very likely; Sting is a free agent, and CM Punk could still return to the WWE, now all fans have to wait for is for them to be under the same roof.

CM Punk has not been seen on WWE programing since The Royal Rumble pay-per-view in January of this year. The last time Punk was even mentioned on WWE programing  was on Monday Night Raw when they were in his home town of Chicago, and that was about one month ago. There has been a lot of speculations on why CM Punk left the company, the main reason being that he was unhappy with his spot at WrestleMania. Another theory is that CM Punk had been wrestling injured for a long time, and his body was just so worn down that he needed to do what was in his best interests and take time off.

Wrestling fans everywhere are hoping that is all he is doing taking time off. With Punk’s contract ending in the summer it is hard to see him returning any time soon. CM Punk is one of the biggest superstars in the company today; he had one of the longest title reigns in the past few decades at 434 days. Punk has done just about everything in WWE, from winning Money in the Bank to begin WWE Champion; so if Punk decided to stay away who could really blame him. The only thing Punk has not done is headline WrestleMania, this fact alone is what will probably drive him to return someday, and if does decide to return it will be in typical CM Punk fashion, with him causing a lot of noise.

When Vince McMahon bought WCW in 2001 there was one wrestler that fans hoped would join the WWE; Sting. Sting is arguably one of the best wrestlers in the world and the only thing he has not done is wrestle in the WWE. Next to the three core members of the NWO (Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall), Sting was easily the biggest star in WCW. Sting was a 6 time WCW Heavyweight Champion, and has wrestled some of the greatest wrestlers the business has ever seen, like WWE Hall of Famers Ric Flair, Scott Hall and Hulk Hogan.

Sting will probably be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame one day, but you would have to think that before that happens Sting would want to have at least one match in a WWE ring. Sting has a big enough fan base, and he most certainly has the credibility to be thrown into any program in the WWE, so getting Sting in the mix of things would not be a problem. The only question is does Sting want too.

With Punk’s contract ending this summer it’s highly unlikely that he would return before then without a new contract, and if he does decided to sign a new contract it would probably be around WrestleMania time (in my opinion). The same would probably go for Sting, he would sign a contract around WrestleMania (in my opinion) which leaves the two with absolutely nothing to do at that time, except maybe......face each other.

A good time for Sting to debut (in my opinion) would be on Monday Night Raw after WWE’s pay-per-view Elimination Chamber. The setup to this match should be simple with Punk interrupting Sting telling him he is back simply to do one thing, prove that he is “The Best in the World” all over again, and that he is going to start with Sting. Now is any of this going to happen, I have no idea, but if it were Sting vs Punk would probably be the biggest match on the WrestleMania card that year. CM Punk vs Sting is a dream match that is on any pro wrestling fans wish list, and if it were to happen WrestleMania maybe a whole lot bigger then it was this year.


I'm a writer pursuing a career in sports journalism. The two main areas I cover are Professional Wrestling and the sport of boxing. I hope you enjoy reading my articles.
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