Clinton Leads Over Trump by Double-Digits in New National Poll

Hillary Clinton is leading by 10-points over Donald Trump, a new national poll shows.
Clinton Leads Over Trump by Double-Digits in New National Poll
Donald Trump (L) during a rally at Windham High School in Windham, N.H., on Aug. 6, 2016. (Scott Eisen/Getty Images); Hillary Clinton (R) at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union Hall in Las Vegas, Nev., on Aug. 4, 2016. David Becker/Getty Images

Hillary Clinton is leading by 10-points over Donald Trump, a new national poll shows.

Despite questions that arose this week about Clinton’s relation to donors of the Clinton Foundation while she served as secretary of state, the Democrat is over the 50 percent mark among likely voters, a Quinnipiac University National poll conducted from Aug. 18-24 shows.

Clinton is beating Trump 51 percent to 41 percent in a two-way race. In a four-way run, Clinton leads with 45 percent, followed by Trump at 38 percent, while Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson receives 10 percent, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein 4 percent.

Women and minorities propel Clinton in the head-to-head matchup, the poll shows. Females back Clinton 60 percent to 36 percent, while men back Trump 48 percent to 42 percent.

Trump has recently been trying to win over the Hispanic and African-American vote, but polls show he’s not doing well with minorities.  

White voters back the GOP nominee 52 percent to 41 percent, while non-white voters support the Democrat 77 percent to 15 percent.

“We are starting to hear the faint rumblings of a Hillary Clinton landslide as her 10-point lead is further proof that Donald Trump is in a downward spiral as the clock ticks,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, in a statement.

“Trump’s missteps, stumbles and gaffes seem to outweigh Clinton’s shaky trust status and perceived shady dealings,” he added.

Other polls released this week show Clinton and Trump in a tight race in swing states and red states. 

South Carolina

Clinton and Trump are tied at 39 percent in South Carolina in a four-way race. In a two-way vote, Trump leads over Clinton slightly, 45 percent to 43 percent, according to a Feldman Group poll.


In swing state Florida, Trump is leading Clinton by 2 points, 43 to 41 percent. Meanwhile, Libertarian Gary Johnson takes 8 percent, and 5 percent are undecided, according to a recent poll by the Florida Atlantic University Business and Economics Polling Initiative (FAU BEPI).

North Carolina

The race is close in battleground state North Carolina according to a CNN/ORC poll. Clinton is leading over Trump, 44 percent to 43 percent. Johnson has 11 percent of the vote and Stein will not appear on the ballot in that state.


In Arizona, which has voted only once for a Democratic candidate since 1952, Trump holds a 5-point lead over Clinton, according to a CNN/ORC poll. Trump has 43 percent of support among registered voters in the state, while Clinton has 38 percent. Johnson follows with 12 percent of support and Stein with 4 percent.

New Mexico

In New Mexico, Clinton is leading in a four-way race with 40 percent of support among voters, while Trump garners 31 percent. Johnson received 16 percent, Green Party candidate Jill Stein got 4 percent, and 9 percent of registered voters remain undecided, according to a survey conducted by Public Policy Polling.


In Missouri, a red state, Trump is leading over Clinton by only a point, 44 percent to 43 percent, a recent Monmouth University poll conducted from Aug. 19-22 shows. The survey shows 8 percent back Johnson, 1 percent name another candidate, and 5 percent are undecided.