Cleveland Physicians Love Shen Yun

Very happy after her first experience seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts, physician Anju Priyadarshini said, “It’s wonderful.”
Cleveland Physicians Love Shen Yun

CLEVELAND, Ohio—Very happy after her first experience seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts, physician Anju Priyadarshini said, “It’s wonderful.”

Dr. Priyadarshini was describing the Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company at Cleveland’s lovely State Theatre. Attending with obstetrician Likhitesh Jaiumar, Dr. Priyadarshini saw the performance on Dec. 22.

The pair couldn’t say nicer things about what they saw. “It’s lovely, I mean, amazing colors, … and I’ve got to know a different tradition today,” Dr. Jaiumar said.

That tradition is Chinese culture at its finest. Shen Yun’s mission is to revive 5,000 years of China’s divinely-inspired civilization.

The doctors saw a Shen Yun flyer at the Cleveland Clinic where they both work and its gorgeous colors appealed to them: “We loved the way the picture was—and [the] dancing, so we thought we would check it out,” Dr. Priyadarshini said.

Acclaimed for its use of pure and vivid colors in both its handmade costumes and digitally projected backdrops, Shen Yun appeals to the senses.

“I thought the show was marvelous. We loved the colors,” Dr. Priyadarshini said.

But Dr. Priyadarshini also enjoyed the stories she saw depicted. “The way it was presented, I think it was fantastic.”

Shen Yun relies on classic Chinese dance to tell legendary and historic stories. Chinese classical dance, one of the most demanding dance systems in the world, includes leaps, spins and difficult flips.

The dancers were “wonderful,” Dr. Jaiumar said. “We wish them the best of luck and I think Cleveland wishes them the best of luck.”

“It was our first time here and we thoroughly enjoyed it. So, I believe, if [they] are having this show next year, we will probably come back again,” Dr. Priyadarshini said.

I liked it, absolutely, Dr. Jaiumar said. He will “probably call up some of my friends!” to tell them about the experience.

Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company will have a matinee, on Sunday, Dec. 23, at 1:00pm.

Reporting by NTD Television and Sharon Kilarski.

New York-based Shen Yun has three companies that tour the world each year on a mission to revive 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture. For more information, visit

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