City Honors Police Officers Who Died After Working at WTC

City officials unveiled new names that have been inscribed onto the Police Memorial Wall in Battery Park.
City Honors Police Officers Who Died After Working at WTC
A firefighter posts a small American flag as he pays his respects at Ground Zero during a 9/11 memorial ceremony on September 11, 2009 in New York City. Peter Foley-Pool/Getty Images
<a><img src="" alt="A firefighter posts a small American flag as he pays his respects at Ground Zero during a 9/11 memorial ceremony on September 11, 2009 in New York City. (Peter Foley-Pool/Getty Images)" title="A firefighter posts a small American flag as he pays his respects at Ground Zero during a 9/11 memorial ceremony on September 11, 2009 in New York City. (Peter Foley-Pool/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1825759"/></a>
A firefighter posts a small American flag as he pays his respects at Ground Zero during a 9/11 memorial ceremony on September 11, 2009 in New York City. (Peter Foley-Pool/Getty Images)
City officials unveiled on Tuesday new names that have been inscribed onto the Police Memorial Wall in Battery Park, remembering the lives of 10 New York City police officers who may have died of 9/11-related illnesses.

“We are here today to pay humble tribute to those who were willing to lay down their lives to protect us and to renew a solemn pledge to them, to their loved ones gathered here today, and also to ourselves,” said Mayor Michael Bloomberg in a news release.

During a memorial ceremony, Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly honored Detective Sandra Adrian, Police Officer Madeline Carlo, Captain Edward Gilpin, Sergeant Claire Hanrahan, Police Officer Robert Helmke, Detective William Holfester, Police Officer Patrice Ott, Detective Roberto Rivera, Sergeant Michael Ryan, and Sergeant Edward Thompson.

Their names joined the nearly 800 engraved names of police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty since 1849.

Since 2002, the police department has monitored its employees who have worked on 9/11 and provided treatment when needed.

“Twenty-three police officers were killed on Sept. 11, and since then we have added to this Memorial the names of 18 of their colleagues who succumbed to illnesses that may have been related to the recovery work they courageously performed at Ground Zero and Fresh Kills,” said Kelly.

Captain Edward C. Gilpin served the New York City Police Department for 32 years before his retirement in 2002. He was recognized four times in his career for excellent and meritorious police duty. Captain Gilpin served as executive officer of the 9th Precinct and the Manhattan South Task Force, and has worked in the Brooklyn Housing Bureau and Police Service Areas 1 and 2 during his career. He is survived by his wife Mary Jane, and son Michael.

Sergeant Claire T. Hanrahan received eight medals for excellent and meritorious police duty during her 20-year career with the department, during which she served in the 19th, 23rd, and 25th precincts as well as in the Street Crime Unit and various divisions of the Narcotics Bureau. Sergeant Hanrahan is survived by her parents Matthew and Claire, husband Ed, and three children: Justin, Shannon, and Kyle.

Sergeant Michael W. Ryan was a 20-year member of the department with nine recognitions for excellent and meritorious police duty. He was a member of several Detectives Squads, in the 104th, 112th, 114th, and 115th precincts, and worked in Warrants and in the 73rd, 75th, 83rd, 101st, 103rd, and 111th precincts. During his career Sgt. Ryan made nearly 100 arrests, over half of which were for felony crimes. He is survived by his parents Jim and Ann, wife Eileen, sons Liam and Aiden, and daughters Erin and Casey.

Sergeant Edward D. Thompson served the department for nearly 16 years, in the 6th and 120th precincts and Intelligence Division Operations and Analysis Section. Sgt. Thompson is survived by his parents George and Deborah, wife Justine, and four daughters: Jaqueline, Emily, Madison, and Abigail.

Detective Sandra Y. Adrian was a 19-year member of the department with six medals for excellent and meritorious police duty. Before her death in 2006, she served in the Housing and Internal Affairs Bureaus. She is survived by her brother Jaime and sister Liz.

Detective William J. Holfester was recognized 11 times for excellent and meritorious police duty during his 18-year career. His work against narcotics crimes in upper Manhattan included 380 arrests, of which 213 were for felony crimes. Detective Holfester also served in the 81st Precinct. He is survived by his mother Marion, sister Cynthia, wife Michelle, daughter Marissa, son Chris, and three grandchildren: Olivia, Christopher, and Gabriel.

Detective Roberto L. Rivera served the department for nearly 30 years, during which time he received eight medals for excellent and meritorious police duty. He was a member of the Joint Terrorism Task Force, Detectives Bureau Special Investigations Division, and Arson and Explosions Division. Detective Rivera is survived by his wife Aida, sons Marcus and Roberto, and daughter Doraida.

Police Officer Madeline Carlo worked for 15 years in the Housing Bureau and Police Service Areas 5 and 7, in Manhattan and the South Bronx. She is survived by her mother Maria, children Cynthia and Orlando, and siblings Olga, Mike, Yvonne, and Raymond.

Police Officer Robert B. Helmke spent 12 years serving the department in its Transit Bureau, 104th Precinct and Medical Division. He was recognized for meritorious police duty and is survived by his mother Kathleen, wife Greta, son Garret, daughter Amelia, and siblings Janet and Keith.

Police Officer Patrice M. Ott is a 20-year veteran of the department who served in the 52nd Precinct, Mounted Unit, and Property Clerk. A recipient of recognition for excellent police duty, Officer Ott is survived by her mother Maureen, husband Bill, son Ryan, and brothers Mike and John.