Chinese Woman Given Forced Abortion at Eight Months Pregnancy

Xiao Aiying’s second baby was born dead after a poisonous injection.
Chinese Woman Given Forced Abortion at Eight Months Pregnancy
Xiao Aiying’s second baby was born dead after a poisonous injection. “Oh, my baby, I am so sorry! You left us even before you could see the light,” the mother wailed after getting out of the operating room. A low-level Chinese Communist Party bureaucrat in the family planning office, carrying out the regime’s one-child policy, had destroyed the fetus at eight months.

Xiao’s husband was not prepared to leave it at that. In a recent online post titled “Congratulations to the Xiamen City, Yuandang Street, Neighborhood Office for successfully killing another baby,” Luo Yanquan rails against Party officials for killing he and his wife’s child. “My wife was eight months pregnant, but because it was our second she was kidnapped from our home by the Neighborhood Office on Oct. 10,” Luo said, in an interview with The Epoch Times.

When the director and ten others broke into their home, Luo was at a friend’s house. “I got a frantic call from my wife and rushed home, but she had been taken away,” he said. She was kept for over 40 hours and denied visits.

Luo pleaded with the director of the office, Lei Jingfeng, and offered to pay the fine. Lei reiterated that the couple had violated the family planning rule with the second pregnancy. “No matter whether she is pregnant for 8 or 9 months, there must be an abortion!” Lei said, as recounted by Luo in the telephone interview. “After hearing this, I literally collapsed,” Luo said.

Officials in Lei’s shoes are often motivated by the financial gains they receive for dutifully carrying out Party policies. The injection was given at 3 a.m. on Oct. 13, and the following night the baby was born dead. “The injection had already killed it,” Luo said.

His wife was kept in the hospital to recover. Her protestations against the family planning policy, and the violence of her treatment brought tears to the eyes of onlookers, Luo said.

For Luo, the Internet was the only outlet for him to address the injustice. After posting his complaint he began receiving threatening phone calls demanding that he delete it. He was told that “someone will pay him a visit” if it were not deleted.

Luo was not deterred: “I want to protest. I want to condemn these officials. I want my rights back.”

Cases like that of Luo and Xiao are common, though are usually more prevalent in rural rather than urban areas. Ms. Su, who works in a school in mainland China, told The Epoch Times that the entire faculty are made to attend a family planning meeting before each school vacation. The school requires that nobody is allowed to break the family planning rules during the vacation. If one person does, then the entire school will be punished and the rule-breaker fired.

“Once a pregnancy is discovered, it is a disaster for both the individual and the employer. An abortion is inevitable. If someone was careless and becomes pregnant, she would not dare to tell her colleagues and her boss. She would just go for an abortion without anyone knowing it. Nor would she dare to take the legal 15-day break afterwards to recover. You know, abortion can severely damage one’s body,” she said.

“Over 95 percent of our faculty members who are in their child-bearing age have had at least one abortion. Some even had several abortions. I myself had two abortions. It is so cruel to kill a life that small.”

Last April, Yang Zhizhu, a law professor at the China Youth University for Political Science, was fired because of his wife’s second pregnancy. On Sept. 3, he stood on the street in Beijing holding a sign which read: “Selling myself to pay the family planning fine.” His asking price was 640,000 Chinese yuan (about $96,000).

Officials in rural areas often use dramatic slogans hung from banners in the street to deter potential violators of the strict birth policies. Ms. Yang from Wenjiacun in Shangrao County, Jiangxi Province described to The Epoch Times some of the family planning slogans used in her area. One says: “Whoever does not obey the family planning rule will be killed and the family broken.” Another: “We’d rather see blood flowing like streams than an extra living baby.”

Read the original Chinese article