Chinese Quit CCP on June 4 to Commemorate Victims of Tiananmen Massacre

The following is a selection of edited Tuidang (“quitting the Party”) statements made by Chinese nationals on June 4.
Chinese Quit CCP on June 4 to Commemorate Victims of Tiananmen Massacre

Editor’s Note: The Epoch Times here publishes direct translations of statements made by Chinese people in ’renouncing‘ the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its subordinate organizations. Statements such as these are submitted to a website affiliate of the Chinese version of The Epoch Times, Dajiyuan. The movement to renounce, withdraw from, or quit the CCP, called ’Tuidang' in Chinese, began in late 2004, soon after The Epoch Times published the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, an editorial series that explores the nature and history of the CCP. The statements offer a rare and candid glimpse of history in the making: the Chinese people turning their backs on the Communist Party, choosing conscience over convenience, and peacefully ushering in a future China free of Party rules.

The following is a selection of edited Tuidang (“quitting the Party”) statements made by Chinese nationals on June 4.

In Memory of the June 4 Incident and the Deceased, I Would Like to Withdraw From the Evil Communist Party

Forgive me for being a member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It was all because I did not know about their history. I am thankful to The Epoch Times for letting us know all about the true evil nature of the CCP.

Today is the day of mourning for the June 4 Incident, I would like to formally announce my decision to quit the CCP ...

To the brave souls who sacrificed their lives, your deaths were not in vain.

Liu Fengyuan 
Henan Province, China
08:50 a.m., June 4, 2012

Withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party

Today is the 23rd anniversary of the June 4 Incident. To commemorate the democratic advocates who sacrificed themselves, the very pillars of the Chinese people, we would like to withdraw from this inhuman and evil Party, as well as all its subordinate organizations. To the brave heroes of our country, you did not die in vain. The day of reckoning for the “Bloody Hands Faction” is not far away, and the dawn of democracy and freedom will soon arrive.

Ji Fuxing, Zang Pingan, Ren Mingliang and others, a total of 72 people
Shandong Province
06:20 p.m., June 4, 2012

Casting Away the Mark of the Beast

Today is the day of commemoration of the June 4 Incident. I remember with a heavy heart this day 23 years ago, when the fiery-spirited Chinese youth who fought for democracy and freedom were massacred by machine guns and tanks. I have always believed that the June 4 Incident would one day be redressed, but 23 years have gone by and it has not happened yet. Today, I hereby withdraw from the CCP, as a declaration of my beliefs and opposition (to the Party), and to draw a clear line between me and the CCP, an evil organization that has killed so many Chinese people.

Wan Shui
11:10 a.m., June 4, 2012

Quitting the CCP

Today is June 4. China’s stock market index fell by exactly 64.89 points, what is it trying to hint at? The June 4 Incident of 1989! Could this be heaven’s will? Quit the Party as soon as you can to save yourselves!!

Ming Bai
05:25 p.m., June 4, 2012

Statement for Quitting the CCP

On this day of remembrance of the June 4 Incident, I hereby declare my family’s withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party, an evil and deceptive organization that opposes all humanity and democracy. For the sake of the future of my daughter and all of this nation’s children, for the future of this country, I sincerely hope that the day this criminal organization meets its doom will arrive soon. 

Ahong, Laoyi and three others
Tianjin City 
01:21 a.m., June 4, 2012

Quitting the Youth League

This is for the students and fellow Chinese who died in the June 4 Incident of 1989, as well as the Falun Gong practitioners who were later persecuted, for they have let me come to realize the evil and tyranny of the Chinese communist regime. I hereby announce my decision to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Youth League and the League of Young Pioneers.

Zong Yuehua
08:28 p.m., June 4, 2012

Statement of Quitting the CCP

I would like to irrevocably cut all of my ties to this evil Party. They have already stained their hands with far too much blood.

Ren Xiaorui
11:49 p.m., June 4, 2012

Quitting the Party

The sorrow from the depths of my heart is telling me that the ones who were unjustly killed were my very own fellow Chinese countrymen.

Ji Xian
05:08 p.m., June 4, 2012

Quitting the Youth League and Young Pioneers

Today as we commemorate June 4, I hereby declare my withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party and all its associated organizations. The CCP is a lying, evil organization that engages itself in the cruel persecution of the Chinese people. We should rid ourselves of the mark of the beast and choose a bright future for ourselves.

08:41 p.m., June 4, 2012

Quitting the CCP

I was forced to enroll in the Chinese Communist Youth League while preparing for my college entrance examinations in my 3rd year of high school. In my final year at college, for the sake of finding a job upon my graduation I was forced to enroll in the CCP—this dark, shameless, crazy and evil organization! This day 23 years ago, they brutally murdered so many defenseless, innocent citizens. I hereby declare my withdrawal from the Party!

08:48 p.m., June 4, 2012

Withdrawal from the Party

This [the CCP] has never been my faith. China has its own culture, and its own philosophies. I would like to voice my withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party on this especially meaningful day, June 4.

Zhou Guohong
Zhejiang Province
08:49 p.m., June 4, 2012

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