Chinese Interim Government in New York Condemns Chinese Regime’s Threats

Chinese interim government spokesman, Tang Baiqiao, reported that an agent of the Chinese Communist Party threatened him while he was hosting a press conference in Flushing, New York on July 31.
Chinese Interim Government in New York Condemns Chinese Regime’s Threats

Chinese interim government spokesman, Tang Baiqiao, reported that an agent of the Chinese Communist Party threatened him while he was hosting a press conference in Flushing, New York on July 31.

According to Mr. Tang, the agent threatened to spend US$300,000 to hire someone to cut off one of his hands. Below is an open letter published by the Chinese interim government in response to the threat.

1. No one, including Mr. Tang Baiqiao, in the Chinese interim government will retreat one bit, in the face of the Chinese communist terrorist threat. On the contrary, we will work even harder to promote the disintegration of the Chinese communist regime.

The fact that Chinese communist regime publicly utilises mafia-type method of employing gangsters and thugs to threaten the members of the interim government, demonstrates in particular, that the interim government is playing a great role in the process of disintegrating the Chinese communist regime.

It also demonstrates that the interim government has a firm and clear attitude and stand point, and it is doing everything without pursuit of personal gains, therefore leaving no loopholes for the Chinese regime to take advantage of and this is why the regime has become extremely vicious.

It also indicates that the Chinese regime is now at the end of its rope, although they are not yet willing to accept their fate of disintegration, thereby making the last desperate struggle, in vain, however. We will continue to work ceaselessly and unremittingly, together with all the Chinese people, to launch planned and scheduled fatal attacks to the Chinese communist regime, to thoroughly disintegrate it.

2. All Chinese communist agents must immediately stop doing evil. Otherwise, once the communist regime is disintegrated, they will for certain be charged and judged in a court of law.

For a long time, Chinese communist agents have helped the tyrant to do evil, and have stirred up troubles to assist the communist regime, and behaved as enemies of the people.

On this day of publicizing this announcement, all the Chinese communist agents must immediately stop doing evil, so as to avoid unimaginable consequences.

3. The Chinese interim government calls for all the people to actively expose communist agents through the internet.

For anyone whose information of exposing the agents proves to be true, will be commended after the communist regime has disintegrated.

In addition, agents who can quickly wake up to their errors, and bring to light of other agents who continue their evil doing, will be regarded as making amends for their crimes by doing good deeds. Such people can contact the interim government through safe and secure means, to clarify their standpoint, and we will protect privacy.

By Chinese Interim Government

03 August 2008

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