Chinese Immigrant: Shen Yun ‘Beautiful and pure’

“Today I am so lucky to have the chance to watch it myself. It is indeed beautiful and pure. I wish Chinese people in mainland China will be able to see it too.”
Chinese Immigrant: Shen Yun ‘Beautiful and pure’

NAGOYA, Japan—Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company performed its second show at the Nagoya Congress Center on Friday evening, Feb. 17. Among the audience were two Chinese immigrants who spoke to The Epoch Times about the performance of classical Chinese dance and music.

Mr. Huang had come to Japan from Liaoning Province, China, five years ago for employment. He said: “I had heard earlier about the pure beauty of the Shen Yun performances. Today I am so lucky to have the chance to watch it myself. It is indeed beautiful and pure. I wish Chinese people in mainland China will be able to see it too.”

Mr. Huang specifically pointed out the deeper meanings conveyed through the fight between good and evil portrayed in the performance. “No matter how much turbulence and hardship occurs in the process, the kind and the pure will eventually survive. Chinese people say, good begets good and evil begets evil. It is very true.”

He also said: “The show also tells people about the Falun Gong practitioners under persecution in China. It should not happen. The Falun Gong practitioners I know are all very kind people. Those who persecute them will not have good results.”

Mr. Feng came to Japan from Guangdong Providence, China, four years ago to study. He said, “I could not have imagined to come to see such a wonderful show outside of China. It’s great that Shen Yun promotes traditional Chinese culture through dance and music.”

Reporting by Sophia Fang and Billy Shyu.

Shen Yun Performing Arts, based in New York, tours the world on a mission to revive traditional Chinese culture. After its performances in Japan, Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company will continue to top venues in Korea and Taiwan, followed by Australia and New Zealand.

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