Chinese Embassy’s Intimidation Letter Shows Pompeo’s New Videos Are Effective: Expert

Chinese Embassy’s Intimidation Letter Shows Pompeo’s New Videos Are Effective: Expert
Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks during the Global Taiwan Business Forum in Kaohsiung on Sept. 27, 2022. Sam Yeh / AFPvia Getty Images

In late September, the Chinese embassy in the United States sent a letter to the Hudson Institute after former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rolled out a series of videos that expose the truth about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and encourage Chinese people to change their stance toward the regime.

Pompeo, the chairman of the advisory board to the Hudson Institute’s China Center, posted the embassy’s letter to the Washington-based think tank on his Twitter account on Oct. 4.

Pompeo: CCP Fears Chinese People Hearing Truth

In the letter, the embassy criticized the Hudson Institute regarding a video series of Pompeo’s speeches to the Chinese people.

“The CCP wants me to stop speaking the truth,“ Pompeo wrote in his Oct. 4 Twitter post. ”Ain’t gonna happen.”

The next day, he wrote on Twitter, “There’s nothing that the Chinese Communist Party fears more than the Chinese people hearing the truth.”

Since Sept. 13, Pompeo has released two video speeches about the CCP.

He pointed out in the first video that the CCP doesn’t represent China, Chinese civilization, or the Chinese people and that misconception is a deliberate lie created by the Party.

In his second video talk, he refuted the CCP’s claim that the United States is a racist country.

Separate CCP From Chinese People

Pompeo and Miles Yu, who was Pompeo’s chief adviser on China policy and planning at the State Department and is director of Hudson’s China Center, clearly recognized while they were serving under former President Donald Trump that the Chinese communist regime doesn’t speak for the Chinese people, professor Feng Chongyi of the University of Technology Sydney told The Epoch Times on Oct. 5.

That’s a critical distinction because the CCP has used nationalism for years to tie the Chinese people to its chariot, he said.

“What Pompeo and the others are now doing is a new strategy, and they are spreading the truth this way. The United States has never been against the Chinese people. What they fight against is the Chinese Communist regime.”

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at the National Press Club in Washington, on Jan. 12, 2021. (Andrew Harnik/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at the National Press Club in Washington, on Jan. 12, 2021. Andrew Harnik/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Feng said that during the “June 4th” student movement (also known as the Tiananmen massacre in 1989) the U.S. government’s position was very clear that it would work with Chinese students to deal with the CCP regime.

“Later, seeing the benefits they could get from [the] Chinese market, they abandoned their original position and pursued a policy of appeasement for 30 or 40 years. Only now has it returned to its original stance.”

He said that if Pompeo’s strategy continues, it will help to separate the CCP regime from the Chinese people. It will encourage the Chinese people to take their power back. Of course, the communist regime is panicking about such a move.

Pompeo’s anti-communist videos show that U.S. society has undergone a relatively big change recently, Xie Jinhe, chairman of Taiwan Caixin Media, told The Epoch Times on Oct. 5.

He said that Pompeo exposed the CCP’s biggest lie, which is that it represents China, while pointing out that the CCP isn’t equivalent to the Chinese people, which will gradually make everyone—not only in the West but also in Taiwan—rethink their stance toward the CCP.

“The tension between the United States and China will gradually increase, and the world’s attitude toward China [the CCP] will also change more significantly,” Xie said. “I think this is very important for what would happen in the world in the future.”

Poverty in China Created by CCP

The Chinese embassy in the United States claimed in the letter criticizing Hudson’s China Center that under the Party’s leadership, China has created a “miracle” of rapid economic development and long-term social stability and lifted more than 800 million Chinese people out of poverty.

Feng said this rhetoric or historical narrative being told by the CCP is a lie.

“The poverty in China was created by the CCP,” he said.

“It rejects the capitalism in [the] Republic era of China (1911–1949) and rejects the return of constitutional government,” he said. “It implements one-party dictatorship and so-called social transformation, which seriously destroyed the productive forces. Therefore, it has caused the poverty of the whole population in China.”

Employees of the Shin Chiao Hotel in Beijing build in the hotel courtyard (background) a small and rudimentary smelting steel furnace during the "Great Leap Forward," in October 1958. The ensuing famine cost China some 30 million lives. (Jacquet Francillon/AFP via Getty Images)
Employees of the Shin Chiao Hotel in Beijing build in the hotel courtyard (background) a small and rudimentary smelting steel furnace during the "Great Leap Forward," in October 1958. The ensuing famine cost China some 30 million lives. Jacquet Francillon/AFP via Getty Images

The CCP had to loosen its control because the Chinese economy was on the verge of collapse. So the whole process of economic development in the past few decades hasn’t been led by the CCP, but occurred because the CCP moved out of the way, allowing the Chinese people to flourish, Feng said.

“The Chinese people themselves have developed their own economy because they have been freed from the control of the CCP,“ he said. Coupled with foreign investments and imported technology, ”these two forces have lifted the Chinese out of poverty.

With CCP leader Xi Jinping returning to emphasizing “the leadership of the Communist Party and tightening control, the economy has started going down.

“Therefore, its historical narrative is totally false and has no factual basis. ”

Ning Haizhong and Luo Ya contributed to this report.
Alex Wu
Alex Wu
Alex Wu is a U.S.-based writer for The Epoch Times focusing on Chinese society, Chinese culture, human rights, and international relations.
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