Graffiti Appears on Chinese Embassy in U.S.: ‘Demolish’

The Chinese word for “demolish” was graffitied onto the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C. in what appears to be a new step in mainland Chinese activism against the communist regime.
Graffiti Appears on Chinese Embassy in U.S.: ‘Demolish’
A photo of two instances of the Chinese character "demolish" graffitied to the front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C.

Early in the morning on July 10, the Chinese word for “demolish” was found to have been written three times in spray paint on the walls of the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C., representing a new step in what is presumed to be mainland Chinese activism against the Chinese Communist Party.

The character written on the embassy walls was 拆 (pronounced “chai”) meaning “to take apart,” and appeared to be both a mockery of what Chinese communist officials write on buildings and houses slated for demolition in China, and a statement against the Chinese regime itself. The word in Chinese when painted on buildings acts as a verb, meaning “demolish this,” or “to be demolished.” 

In the past decade, the Chinese character can be seen scribbled on buildings on many streets in major Chinese cities to mark areas that local regime officials are planning to sell to real estate developers. The character has become associated with forced evictions and official profiteers.

It is unclear who graffitied the Chinese embassy but the incident coincides with the start of the fifth annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue, a two-day conference between Chinese and U.S. officials. 

Some Chinese news articles have suggested that the slogan may be connected to the Sparrow Initiative, launched by a pro-democracy China group to advocate for land-rights protection. Yang Jianli, a well-known Chinese activist in the United States, became aware of it and circulated the news widely.

Chinese netizens on Sina Weibo, China’s Twitter-like platform, reacted to the vandalism with a note of approval.

A netizen in Fujian Province said, “The Chinese regime is so powerful that it’s going to demolish houses in the U.S. too.”

A Guangdong Province netizen wrote, “It should have been written in red paint with a circle around it, like how it’s done by officials.”

A blogger and scholar well-known in China, Xu Xin, commented on Weibo that the Chinese character signified regime oppression, “It’s widely found in China and has become a symbol of the lack of respect the regime has for people, to just destroy buildings without asking.”

Research by Ariel Tian. Translation by Frank Fang and Bill Xu.

Shannon Liao is a native New Yorker who attended Vassar College and the Bronx High School of Science. She writes business and tech news and is an aspiring novelist.
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