Chinese Dance Teacher: I Hope Shen Yun ‘Can go to every corner of the world’

“I think tonight was very precious. I believe I’ll remember tonight forever. I’ve never seen a performance like this.”
Chinese Dance Teacher: I Hope Shen Yun ‘Can go to every corner of the world’
He Suiying took a special trip to South Korea to see Shen Yun. She says it’s a precious and unforgettable night, and is hoping that Shen Yun can perform in Hong Kong and every corner of the world. Cheng Renquan/The Epoch Times
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DAEGU, South Korea—Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company made its 2013 debut in Daegu on April 5. He Suiying, a senior Chinese dance teacher from Hong Kong, attended the performance.

An unforgettable night

Having admired Shen Yun’s fame for a long time, Ms. He took a special trip to South Korea from Hong Kong to see the performance. She said: “I am so excited because the performance was richer and more perfect than I expected. I think it’s really worthwhile to make the trip. To see the show, I had to ask for leave and planned [my schedule] for a long time. I think tonight was very precious. I believe I'll remember tonight forever. I’ve never seen a performance like this.”

As a senior Chinese dance teacher, Ms. He is active in the field of dance in Hong Kong. She was amazed by the performance. She said, although “I’ve seen a lot of dance shows in Hong Kong, many of which are professional performances from Shanghai, Beijing, or Hong Kong dance companies, the perfection of Shen Yun is really unbelievable. The stage effect, the orchestra, and other aspects were matched superbly, especially the technique of the backdrop is unprecedented.”

Superb dancing skills

“I really admire the artists of Shen Yun. They all performed attentively. Their basic skills [of classical Chinese dance] are superb. All, especially the male dancers, are excellent. The female dancers tempered force with gentleness. Among many artistic performances, I think [Shen Yun] works hardest and makes the strictest requirement,” she said. “Many professional dancers can’t reach Shen Yun performers’ level in all their movements like tumbling skills, flexibility and vividness.”

As a dance teacher, Ms. He particularly appreciated the perfect match of the choreography, dance, and music. “I believe that the choreographers took great effort in every movement and the match of music. I was greatly moved.” She said that she would repeatedly relive the performance in her mind. “I will think it over and over, and sincerely learn from them,” she said.

She was most impressed by the high-tech dynamic backdrop. “I’ve never experienced such a feeling that characters seemed to come out from the screen. It’s very lifelike. It’s really a performance of super level. I’ve never seen such technology.”

Ms. He was particularly fond of the program, Sewing the Flowers of Heaven. “It is very beautiful. All artists are like fairies.” She also enjoyed the male dancers. “The story from Journey to the West was very lovely. In addition, the program about Shaolin Temple manifested the skills of all the male dancers with many tumbling techniques and expressions. They presented an interesting story happening in Shaolin Temple. They looked playful and vigorous as well.”

Blessed by Shen Yun

Ms. He heartily recommended everyone to see Shen Yun and be blessed by it. “This is a superlative performance. It is unforgettable for one’s whole life. Shen Yun will bring a lot of blessings to everyone. It will bring you the culture and art of the Chinese dance, too. You'll feel like being in a dream after seeing it.”

“Shen Yun is touring to every country. It brings ever wonderful performances to all countries. It is, in fact, the blessing of all countries. I come from Hong Kong. It’s a pity that Hong Kong hasn’t had [a Shen Yun performance]. I hope that Shen Yun can perform in Hong Kong one day and bring blessings to Hong Kong. I also hope that it can go to every corner of the world, and that more people can enjoy such blessings.”

Read the original Chinese article.

Reporting by Li Zhen and Lisa Huang

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit