Chinese Communist Regime Provides Anti-Protest Training for Local Officials

The CCP trained county officials in how to deal with the large-scale protests that are breaking out more frequently.
Chinese Communist Regime Provides Anti-Protest Training for Local Officials
Chinese protesters surrounded government buildings, threw stones at the gate, broke riot shields and even destroyed the government name plates on the buildings. Tens of thousands of onlookers roared their support. “Good job!” they shouted in Jishou in The Epoch Times
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Recently the Chinese Communist government scheduled six training seminars for 2,000 county-level party officials, each lasting seven days. The purpose of the seminars was to train party officials to handle large anti-government demonstrations. These seminars drew a lot of media attention both home and abroad.

Top-Ranking Leaders Present

The first seminar, on November 10, was presided over by Li Yuanchao, Politburo Member of the 17th Chinese Communist Party of China (CCP) Central Committee and Head of the Organization Department of the CCP Central Committee. Xi Jinping, member of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee and CCP vice-general secretary, also addressed the attendees.

According to official statistics, the number of reported protests and demonstrations in China increased tenfold from 8,700 in 1993 to over 87,000 in 2005. This means that in 2005 there was a protest or demonstration occurring in China once every six minutes. A December 2007 report by China’s National Bureau of Statistics revealed that in 2006, police forces handled 599,392 cases involving “disturbances of social order,” “disturbances in public spaces,” “trouble-making activities” or “obstruction of public service execution,” an explosive increase in public unrest.

Since the July incident in Shanghai in which Yang Jia killed six policemen and a security guard, demonstrations against local authorities, police stations or sub-district offices, have become even more frequent.  

“I Will Give You An Answer” Becomes A Popular Saying

Beijing resident Yang Jia stabbed a security guard and six policemen at the police headquarters in Zhabei, a Shanghai suburb. But he did not kill a female police officer or younger policemen at the headquarters. During the trial, Yang said, “I would rather have committed these crimes than to be unfairly accused of crimes which I did not commit. Police must explain why I was treated so unjustly when in their custody. If you do not give me an explanation, I will give you an answer.”

On October 13 a thousand supporters of Yang Jia gathered around the Shanghai Higher People’s Court during Yang’s sentencing. All were shouting “Down with the communist party!” “Down with fascism.” A video of this demonstration quickly appeared on the Internet.  

Training CCP Officials to Handle Demonstrations and Protests

Zhang Yidong, a Chinese-American political analyst of Chinese issues, said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has finally realized that the political and social crises it faces are unprecedented. Large-scale public protests at the county level may blossom throughout the country at any time.

For example, on November 17–18, upset by unfair land seizures, tens of thousands of peasants attacked a government building in northwest Gansu Province, smashing cars and beating up police and officials. According to several sources, the crowd numbered 50,000. Armed police officers from the provincial capital had to use tear gas to subdue the demonstrators. Hundreds of protesters were wounded, with dozens seriously, and several were killed.

When the whole of China rises up and demonstrates against the CCP’s injustices against the Chinese people, the CCP will collapse. When public protests against local county governments occur simultaneously in 300 to 500 countries ... it may force the CCP to negotiate with the people or give up its one-party dictatorship forever.

Police Officers Protest Against CCP

About 100 auxiliary police officers protested low pay and poor benefits, gathering in front of local CCP headquarters in Leiyang City in the central part of Hunan Province on the morning of December 2. The demonstrators damaged government property. The protest lasted about three hours, ending when high-level party officials urged demonstrators to disperse. 

This marked the first time since the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1977 that police have protested against the government. 

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Li Mei
Li Mei