Global Center for Quitting the CCP—“Tui Dang” Reaches 50 Million

Global Centers for Quitting the CCP register Chinese people that want to quit the Communist Party.
Global Center for Quitting the CCP—“Tui Dang” Reaches 50 Million
<a><img src="" alt="Worldwide Action: A Tui Dang Information Table at Munich's Marienplatz on February 28, 2009.  (Mihai Bejan/The Epoch Times)" title="Worldwide Action: A Tui Dang Information Table at Munich's Marienplatz on February 28, 2009.  (Mihai Bejan/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1828528"/></a>
Worldwide Action: A Tui Dang Information Table at Munich's Marienplatz on February 28, 2009.  (Mihai Bejan/The Epoch Times)

A special Web site set up by The Epoch Times in December 2004 registers the wishes of Chinese people to publicly declare cancellation of their membership in the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations.

It is complicated in the nation of China to declare cancellation of one’s Party membership via a written document. People must resort to this method to take their fate into their own hands.

Vice president Dai Yongli of the Global Center to Quit the CCP, based in New York, explained the process during an interview with Epoch Times staff.

Epoch Times (ET): When did this movement of quitting the Party begin?

Dai Yongli (DY): 2004 was the year the The Epoch Times began publishing a series of articles entitled Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Since then countless individuals have became aware of the Party’s malicious ways of operation.  

ET: What is the aim of this center?

DY: We are primarily here to help people learn the truth. We have no specific goal. Whoever wants to quit—we will assist them, and we will let others know how many have taken this step. Propaganda from the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] scares people with claims that China would succumb to chaos if the Party were to fold.

But, think about it, the CCP has only ruled China for a tiny fraction of the nation’s 5,000-year history. Prior to the CCP’s appearance on the Chinese stage, the citizenry were quite capable of managing the country. The Party asserts that people do not have the capability to steer their own destiny. It tries to disrupt our efforts.

ET: Do you think China would be better off without the CCP?  

DY: Yes, absolutely! Ever since the Party usurped power, things in China have become ever worse. There have been 80 million unnatural deaths in China since the Party grabbed power in 1949. That is even more than the number of people killed throughout World War II. This demonstrates to me that the CCP is worse than the Nazis.

Besides, the CCP not only destroys human life, but also manipulates people’s thinking and corrupts their souls. Too many Chinese these days live in abject fear. Actually, many Chinese people are losing their human nature.

ET: How can you be certain that people have actually quit the Party?

DY: We cannot provide proof, but we do assume that most who register with us actually want to quit. I doubt the CCP could conjure up so many names.  

ET: Do most people quit anonymously?

DY: We encourage Mainland Chinese to use an alias because we treasure their lives. Using their actual names would expose them to great danger.

ET: How many people are actively working for the center?  

DY: I would guess about 100,000 volunteers, most of them are Falun Gong practitioners. Most people in China have received a flyer—more than once—that informs them of the process. The first world-wide office for quitting the Party is located here in New York and was opened in 2007.