Chinese Citizen: Shen Yun Gives a Sense of Belonging to the Soul

“Shen Yun has played an essential role in promoting traditional Chinese culture,” said Mr. Ji.
Chinese Citizen: Shen Yun Gives a Sense of Belonging to the Soul

STOCKHOLM, Sweden—Shen Yun Performing Arts once again played at the Cirkus Arena in Stockholm, Sweden, on April 9, to an enthusiastic audience.

Mr. Ji, who had come from China a year ago, believes that Shen Yun gives a sense of belonging to the soul. “After watching this, I was reminded of my grandmother, who was born before 1949 and had a strong sense of morality,” he said. “When I was young, she would tell me various stories, such as the Seven Fairies and Chang E.”

During the show, Mr. Ji noticed that many Westerns were enthusiastic about learning about traditional Chinese culture. “Every time they applauded, it made me feel proud,” he said.

Mr. Ji was particularly impressed by the traditional quality of the dance The Great Han. He had brought his child with him to watch Shen Yun and said that he does not want his child educated in China. “I find that the higher the education received in China, the worse the brainwashing is.” he said.

Mr. Ji believes that Shen Yun will enable people to have a better moral outlook on life. “If someone grows up in a world of materialism, he will have no morality. His entire life is centered on possession and desire; such a person is terrifying. In contrast, traditional culture can cleanse the soul and allow one to return to a state of purity,” he said.

“Shen Yun has played an essential role in promoting traditional Chinese culture,” said Mr. Ji. “Like I said in the beginning, Shen Yun is pure.”

Mr. Ji said that he will introduce and promote traditional Chinese culture to more Chinese people. “I will remind them of the traditions of the past and help traditional culture flourish,” he said. “This is what I will do.”

At the end, Mr. Ji concluded, “I hope that China will become a world of peace and beauty under the blessings of the divine.”

‘It really is amazing’

During her second year living in Finland, Ms. M. from mainland China travelled to Sweden with her friends to attend Shen Yun Performing Arts’ show in Stockholm, Sweden.

Ms. M. says that she was initially introduced to Shen Yun by a friend’s recommendation. “She gave an enthusiastic review about the show and told me that Shen Yun was so amazing that I had to see it. This year, I finally had the chance to watch Shen Yun.”

“It really is amazing,” said Ms. M. “In the past few years, China has progressed economically, but I always felt that something was missing. When I watched Shen Yun today, I felt that whatever was missing had now come back.

“It is a kind of inner essence, something that has existed for thousands of years. It includes humanity and beauty from multiple perspectives.”

“Having seen some of Shen Yun’s photo albums and read enthusiastic audience reviews, I was very eager to attend the show. After seeing the show, I realized how true the audience’s words were.”

Read the original Chinese articles. [1] [2]

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit