Teenage Girl Suffers Knife Attack After Rejecting Male Admirer; Needs 70 Stitches

Teenage Girl Suffers Knife Attack After Rejecting Male Admirer; Needs 70 Stitches
A woman in front of a house in China. (FRED DUFOUR/AFP/Getty Images)
Daniel Holl

A 15-year-old girl was cut four times on her face by a male admirer after she rejected him. The man was arrested after the attack.

The girl received 70 stitches in total, according to the mainland Chinese Guangdong News. The longest and deepest cut was 4 inches (10 centimeters) long, extending from her right chin all the way down to her lower lip.

The girl, surnamed Gu, moved to the city of Shenzhen in China’s southern Guangdong Province to intern at a beauty school. The attack happened after school on the evening of May 3.

The suspect, surnamed Sun, was detained after he took her to the hospital.

The Attack

Gu moved to Shenzhen in February from Hunan Province to intern at a beauty school. She attracted the attention of a male customer, Sun.

“[He] said he liked me, and he wanted me to be his girlfriend.” “I refused him, I just smiled and said nothing,” Gu told the Guangdong News. “There were several beautiful girls, and he pursued them in the same way.”

On the evening of May 3, after 11:00 p.m., Gu got off work and was getting ready to go back to her dormitory, but was followed by her admirer.

When Gu passed into an alleyway, Sun grabbed Gu. He held her, and even attempted to kiss her. He also said flirtatious words to her.

Gu refused him once more.

“Finally, he asked me one more time if there really wasn’t a chance of us being together, and I said ‘yes,’” Gu told the Guangdong News. “Then he suddenly pulled a knife out and cut my face, and asked if I still wanted to be with him.”

Out of fear, Gu complied with Sun.

“He sent me to the hospital after I agreed with him.”

Once Gu arrived at the hospital, she begged the nurse to call the police. Once the police arrived, they took Sun to the police station and detained him. He was held on suspicion of harassing other women and attacking Gu with a knife.

Gu’s family members were concerned.

“She’s suffered a nervous breakdown,” said one of Gu’s relatives, surnamed Pan, to the Guangdong News.

“Although she’s still a little girl, there are so many scars on her face. We’re worried that it will impact her future career and life.”

Daniel Holl is a Sacramento, California-based reporter, specializing in China-related topics. He moved to China alone and stayed there for almost seven years, learning the language and culture. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
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