Anything for Power: The Real Story of China’s Jiang Zemin – Chapter 18

Jiang Zemin’s days are numbered. It is only a question of when, not if, the former head of the Chinese Communist Party will be arrested. Jiang officially ran the Chinese regime for more than a decade, and for another decade he was the puppet master behind the scenes who often controlled events. During those decades Jiang did incalculable damage to China. At this moment when Jiang’s era is about to end, Epoch Times here republishes in serial form “Anything for Power: The Real Story of Jiang Zemin,” first published in English in 2011. The reader can come to understand better the career of this pivotal figure in today’s China.
Anything for Power: The Real Story of China’s Jiang Zemin – Chapter 18
(Luis Novaes/Epoch Times)
Jiang Zemin’s days are numbered. It is only a question of when, not if, the former head of the Chinese Communist Party will be arrested. Jiang officially ran the Chinese regime for more than a decade, and for another decade he was the puppet master behind the scenes who often controlled events. During those decades Jiang did incalculable damage to China. At this moment when Jiang’s era is about to end, Epoch Times here republishes in serial form “Anything for Power: The Real Story of Jiang Zemin,” first published in English in 2011. The reader can come to understand better the career of this pivotal figure in today’s China.

Chapter 18: The Lustful Sovereign Consorts With Mistresses; Villains Hold Sway, Nepotism Goes Unchecked

The shady dealings of Jiang Zemin and his many mistresses have long been the subject of rumors in both official circles and among the general public. Then in 2002, much to Jiang’s indignation, an astonishing book, titled “The First Lady Song Zuying,” appeared in Shaodong City, Hunan Province. While the book’s publication resulted in the jailing of dozens, the arrests were unable to prevent the details of Jiang’s sex life from coming to light.
1. Ms. Song Zuying

Among Jiang’s mistresses, Song Zuying has gained the most attention.

“Come to See Your Brother When in Need”

Song Zuying, the daughter of a poor family of Miao ethnicity in western Hunan Province, was fortuitously selected to pursue college study in the Department of Music and Dance at the Central University for Nationalities. By another chance, she made her debut in CCTV’s 1991 Chinese New Year Gala and timidly sang “A Little Basket on the Back.” Although the song did not leave much an impression on the audience, with all her makeup on, Song Zuying was especially dazzling. During her performance, Jiang, who is old enough to be her grandfather, took a fancy to her.

Later, Jiang relocated Ms. Song to the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Political Department of the Chinese People’s Navy, where she became a major ranking performer. In the past, it was difficult for the Commander and Party Secretary of the Navy to see Jiang, but that situation changed, as Jiang would often come to the Political Department of the Navy to watch performances. And every time he was present, a particular performance by Song had to be included. At the end of the show, Jiang would go up to the stage to shake hands with the performers, but when he held the hand of Song, he did not seem to want to let it go. His eyes remained fixed on her, as if he would swallow her. Gradually, people seemed to wake up to something, so every time Jiang came, they would purposely place Song in the next to last spot on the program. In addition, they gave special consideration to her living conditions and rank.

At one point, while shaking her hand at the end of a show, Jiang covertly handed her a little slip of paper. Song did not dare open it immediately because of the crowd, so she put it in her pocket. After she returned home, she opened the paper and read, “Come to see your big brother when you are in need. Big brother can help you resolve anything.” The “big brother” was nobody other than Jiang himself. Later on, Song inadvertently revealed these words to others when she was flushed with success.

In order to protect his covert relationship with Song from external interference and exposure, Jiang asked Song to divorce her husband. After the divorce, Song lived in the Guest House in the Political Department of the Navy. Jiang often met Song in the Guest House at night. Jiang came secretly amidst tight security measures, and nobody from the outside could get near him. Also, every time Jiang came, a new license plate was put on his car so it couldn’t be identified as his specific vehicle. As soon as Jiang got out of the car, he went straight to the room Song was in. Regarding the rendezvous between Jiang and Song in the Guest House, the staff pretended to see nothing, but felt extremely disgusted within. Later, a senior cadre with a sense of propriety reported the Jiang-Song affair to his superior, but as a result the cadre was put under surveillance and his phone was monitored.

The age gap between Song, who was born on Aug. 1, 1966, in Guzhang County, Hunan Province, and Jiang, who was born on Aug. 26, 1926, in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, was a 40 full years. From the perspective of age, Jiang could have been Song’s grandfather. Thus, Song’s ex-husband, the so-called “older brother” Luo Hao, was given a very awkward role to play. Whenever journalists interviewed Song, the divorced ex-husband was required to be present, but was not allowed to talk to the reporters. Song left him in another room.

The Red Card of Zhongnanhai

Song Zuying enjoys unparalleled privilege to perform or to have her performances broadcast on CCTV. She decides by herself what songs to sing, and no directors or department heads at CCTV or even in the central government’s Ministry of Propaganda have a say in the matter. Jiang also requested that CCTV not divert the camera to senior officials in the audience while broadcasting Song’s performances, in order to maintain absolute consistency in the program.

In the summer of 2002, Song traveled to a city in Sichuan Province to attend a show specifically organized in her honor. With the approval of You Xigui, Director of the Central Guard Bureau, Zhou Yongkang, now Minister of Public Security and then the Party Secretary of Sichuan Province, provided Song with top security guard services—something that would normally only be available to a national leader at a rank above Vice Premier. Of course, this was an order from Jiang.

In this show, a gymnasium that held 40,000 to 50,000 spectators was packed, as everyone wanted to see Jiang’s mistress. Among the numbers that Song sang was a folk song of Hubei Province called “Dragon Boat Melody.” In the lyrics of the ballad there is a dialogue: “I, a young maiden, want to cross the river, who will give me a piggyback ride?” As she sang, when she got to this part, thousands of people in the audience below the stage responded unanimously, “Grandpa Jiang will give you one!” Song was very embarrassed but she could not stop the performance, because tens of thousands of people had paid for tickets to listen to her sing. So, she had no other choice but tough it out and continue singing. When she came to the second verse of the song, she had to repeat, “I, a young maiden, want to cross the river, who will give me a piggyback ride?” Once again, thousands of audience members below the stage responded loudly, “Grandpa Jiang will give you one!” After she returned to the hotel, she wept bitterly that night until her eyes turned red. The next day, Song flew back to Beijing to complain to Jiang. Jiang was angry, so he ordered the Party Secretary of that city in Sichuan Province to thoroughly investigate the incident. However, the Party Secretaries nowadays have learned the knack of being officials. They did not want to offend the people over this, so a few days later, a reply was sent to the concerned Department in the Central government, saying that although the city’s TV station and the Public Security Bureau all video taped the live performance that night, the cameras were all facing the stage, not the audience, so there was no way for them to identify the “rioters.” So nothing ever came of this incident.

According to insiders, Song carried a red card that allowed her to freely enter Zhongnanhai. The so-called “Red Card of Zhongnanhai” refers to a vehicle pass to enter Zhongnanhai. Generally speaking, only officials at the rank of minister are entitled to have this red card. Even the Director of CCTV, who is at the rank of deputy minister, does not hold a red card. In 1997, a female singer from another Ensemble was given a ride with Song to a recording session at the CCTV studio. In the car, this singer happened to open the glove compartment and unexpectedly found the Red Card of Zhongnanhai.

The story was soon spread so widely within the Ensemble of the Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army that the literature and art departments within the PLA systems and the telecommunication systems held multiple staff meetings requiring that all personnel concerned not “make, spread or believe” rumors. They even went on to impose this requirement as a political discipline by which all the staff members must abide. That female singer was dismissed before long and sent back to Tianjin. Nevertheless, each and every person understood full well where Song’s red card was from.

The Ultimatum on the Internet

As early as 1998, the affair between Jiang and Song had been so widely spread in Beijing that it was known to almost everybody. Taxi drivers often chatted with their customers about it as a way of killing time in traffic jams.

One day in 2001, Zhao An, the former head of the Literature and Art Department of CCTV and for many years director of CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala, invited some celebrated female stars—including Song Zuying—to dinner at the Quanjiafu Restaurant. At the table, Song bubbled over with enthusiasm about her romantic experiences with Jiang, and Zhao An secretly recorded her. Later, Zhao’s manuscript of this recording was discovered by his collaborator, librettist Zhang Junyi. Based on the content of this manuscript, Zhang sent over 200 anonymous letters to various state agencies, legal and disciplinary departments and related heads to expose Zhao An and Song for their “libel of leadership.” However, on Jiang’s orders, Zhang Junyi himself was later arrested, charged with offering and/or accepting a bribe along with Zhao An and sentenced to a prison term. Zhang Junyi received six years, while Zhao An received a 10 year sentence.

Later, Jiang initiated a special motion in the 16th congressional meeting, which enabled him to remain in power as Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC). This irritated grass-roots scholar Lu Jiaping and he exposed the scandal between Jiang and Song. In order to block the information from leaking out, Jiang responded and Lu Jiaping was arrested at his home on Feb. 23, 2004.

The next day, an ultimatum appeared on the Internet, warning Jiang that there existed “professional” editions of audio and video evidence for each of his secret meetings with Song. If Lu Jiaping were not released the following day, the VCDs would be publicized both at home and abroad. Prior to this incident, a pornographic VCD showing the sexual exploits of an official in Taiwan was circulated on the Internet. Such a warning obviously hinted that some of Jiang’s rivals might have some extremely embarrassing pornographic evidence in their hands.

To the surprise of all, Lu Jiaping was released on the same day. However, after the VCD incident settled down, Jiang had Lu Jiaping detained again in Hunan, in order to completely shut him up.

Song continued her meteoric rise, and became a top-ranking performer of the state who enjoyed the “Governmental Special Allowance” given by the State Council. She has also become a member of the Political Consultative Conference, executive committee member of the All-China Women’s Federation, member of the National Youth Federation, and a board director for the Music Association of China.

The National Grand Theatre

In order to please Song Zuying, Jiang spared no expense from the state treasury.

When Song expressed her interest in performing a solo concert in Sydney, Jiang immediately appropriated tens of millions of yuan for the Navy to use in making Song famous in Australia. People found it very strange that the vocal background parts were performed by non-Chinese who could not even pronounce the Chinese words correctly. In addition, the musical instruments used were all of western origin, even though Song is a folk vocalist and the folk songs she sings require the accompaniment of Chinese folk musical instruments. There was only she, herself, the single soul on the stage, for a Chinese folk music concert, while all the other performers were westerners. The concert appeared to be neither Chinese nor western in style, giving the audience the impression of something that was neither fish nor fowl.

The organizer of the 2002 FIFA World Cup in Korea requested that China send a celebrity singer to perform during the opening ceremony, and it ended up that Song, who was regarded by the host as second-rate, was dispatched. To China’s embarrassment, Korea compensated all the other stars that appeared in the ceremony big time for their appearance, but Song did not receive even a penny.

Also, Jiang once paid over 10 million yuan to help Song publish her first selection of songs on CD, which went on sale just prior to lunar New Year’s Eve in 2002.

But the biggest gift through which Jiang ingratiated himself with Song was the National Grand Theatre.

On Dec. 13, 2001, the Xinhua News Agency announced the groundbreaking for the National Grand Theatre, which would be situated to the west of the Great People’s Hall. It occupies an area of 118,900 square meters, and sits on a construction site of 149,500 square meters. The total investment for the core of the project was 2.688 billion yuan. The peripheral part of the project cost over 800 million yuan, and was paid for by the city of Beijing. This part will be finished in four years. In addition to the above costs, a 300 million yuan investment was required prior to the completion of the project. The grand total for the project is 3.8 billion yuan—almost twice the sum of the donations made to the “Hope Project” from both at home and abroad over the past 15 years. This amount could have subsidized five million poor students’ educations.

Since its inception, the project has been mired in questions and disputes.

From whatever perspective, no experts believed in the necessity of building the Grand Theatre. They all strongly opposed and resisted this project. Scholars questioned the need to spend over 3 billion yuan to construct such a gigantic entertainment facility, even as the basic needs for food and shelter of unemployed workers in China could not be guaranteed. Moreover, the person in charge of the design was a French architect, Paul Andreu, who had no experience designing theaters. In fact, on May 23, 2004, a fatal collapse occurred at the roof of the new terminal 2E at Charles de Gaulle Airport, which was designed under Andreu’s supervision. The accident caused six deaths and multiple injuries. The public prosecutors’ office in Paris, France, said on May 29, 2004, that Paul Andreu, who was the general architect responsible for the design of the terminal at the de Gaulle Airport, was suspected of being involved in fraudulent practices in his efforts to win the bid for the National Grand Theatre in Beijing. The French authorities initiated a preliminary investigation of this allegation in July 2003.

As architectural experts have pointed out, from a cultural perspective, the Grand Theatre gives people an impression of a gigantic UFO full of aliens landing right in front of Zhongnanhai. Without reading any reports about the building, people can immediately recognize that it is a huge mistake and embarrassment to have a building that is completely out of harmony with the traditional culture of Beijing, the ancient capital of six dynasties in Chinese history. In addition, many questions exist about its practicality. Michael Kirkland, a member of The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, commented that this design had dumped architectural language and basic scientific principles down the drain; this was a very functional building, but the designer treated it as a work of art, which was a huge mistake. After sealing off the top with what looks like a lid and putting rooms within rooms, it is very difficult to set up any grand stages that require a tall and big space. Some have commented that the design was as practical as opening an umbrella indoors, and being inside felt like being trapped in a cocoon. As a result, it had to go underground as deep as six to eight stories, a truly absurd design.

Architectural Review, the world’s most prominent architectural magazine, called the theater an “outrage” in its December 1999 issue. It criticized Paul Andreu’s design and sarcastically called it “the perfect epidermis of his blob.” [1] “A huge shimmering blob sits jellyfish-like in the middle of its pond: yet another addition to the menagerie of object buildings that form the new texture of the city’s centre.”
From a bird’s eye view, the theater resembles a giant glob of phlegm, but Jiang reportedly has taken quite a fancy to it. Robert Lawrence Kuhn wrote in The Man Who Changed China: The Life and Legacy of Jiang Zemin, “From the southern tip of Zhongnanhai, where Jiang liked to view the moon and its reflection on the South Lake, one could look across the waters and see the breathtaking edifice rising.” [2]

To get to the theater, Paul Andreu arranged the approach under the lake, so that the audience has to go down through a 100 meter long tunnel, and then up again. For the Chinese people, the experience is comparable to crossing an underground passage of a giant tomb.

The National Grand Theater is beset with other problems, such as light pollution, high cleaning and maintenance expenses, a monthly electricity bill of 4 million yuan, and more. China is currently in dire need of electricity. One hundred and forty scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as 114 renowned architects, planners and engineers, presented several joint letters to the Chinese Central government appealing to stop the plan to commission Paul Andreu to design the National Grand Theater.

Jiang showed no regard for the scientists’ opinions. Perhaps it was a higher priority for him to please his mistress, Song. He was determined to have it built as soon as possible. Some people came up with a semantic joke and called the theater “National Grand Brothel.” [Theater and brothel sound very similar in Chinese because theater is called ju yuan in Chinese and brothel, ji yuan.]

On the other hand, Song has been working hard to protect Jiang’s rule in order to repay him. Her selection of songs consistently contain lyrics that praise the Chinese Communist Party and Jiang, such as “A Good Life,” “It Is Getting Better,” “A Leader that Carries on the Heritage and Forges Ahead into the Future,” “Follow You Forever,” etc.

Leaders of the Chinese central and local governments are not less eager to please Song, because they know very well that it will be more rewarding than trying to please Jiang directly. The admirals in the Navy have been extremely protective of young “warrior” Song and very attentive to her needs. Once the Navy’s Song and Dance Band was going to entertain and comfort the Navy in Tibet. When a high-ranking Navy officer saw Song’s name on the list, he announced, “Song is not going to Tibet. The high plain of Tibet is cold and harsh. If anything should happen to her, we wouldn’t be able to face the General Secretary [of the Chinese Communist Party Jiang.]”

2. Ms. Li Ruiying
Song Zuying is by no means Jiang’s only mistress. She has stirred more interest and gossip from the Chinese people because she is so seductive and flirtatious. There is a popular jingle rhymed with the sound “ying” in China about Jiang and his extramarital affairs: “Keep an owl at home. Travel abroad with Li Ruiying. Listen to songs performed by Song Zuying.” [The Chinese for owl is mao-tou-ying.] The jingle refers to three women in Jiang’s life.

The owl refers to Jiang’s wife Ms. Wang Zhiping. She is a woman who has long passed her youth and beauty and now suffers from many long-term ailments. Jiang has taken her with him on each trip abroad just to show that he has not discarded the woman he married when he was obscure, but the truth is that he can hardly contain his abhorrence. In 2002 Jiang and his wife were invited to visit President Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Bush came out to receive the couple, but as soon as Jiang got out of the car, he left Wang Zhiping behind and marched off towards the house. Mr. and Mrs. Bush then graciously tended to the neglected Mrs. Jiang. Western journalists quickly captured Jiang’s tacky behavior. Prior to the rule of the Chinese Communist Party, China has been long regarded as a country of manners and rites. Jiang’s lack of dignity and social graces has given the Chinese people a black eye in the international community. It is a terrible insult to the Chinese people worldwide.

The Mistresses “Battle” at Zhongnanhai

Before Jiang met Song Zuying, he had taken a married woman, CCTV news anchor Li Ruiying, as a lover. Li Ruiying looks fairly common, but she has a very fawning, seductive manner. She is responsible for covering each year’s Political Consultative Conference. For several years, Jiang took Li with him on all of his trips abroad. During those trips, she worked as a field journalist during the day and as Jiang’s concubine at night. Once she interviewed Jiang during an overseas trip, and the footage was broadcast on the day’s evening news on CCTV. The interview caused a lot of gossip in China, for Li Ruiying acted like she was frolicking with Jiang.

Li has been a news anchor at CCTV since 1986. Before the June 4, 1989, Massacre of college students on Tiananmen Square, the media in China were unanimously supportive of the cause. Li talked like a democracy advocate and a woman of justice and righteousness. But as soon as the Chinese Communist Party declared martial law and outlawed the student movement, Li Ruiying reversed her attitude, echoed the Party line and condemned the student movement. At the time, two new anchors, Mr. Du Xian and Mr. Xue Fei, refused to promote the Chinese Communist Party dictatorship via the power of the media. When Du reported the news of the June 4 Student Massacre on TV, tears welled up in his eyes. Later both men were fired from CCTV. Li Ruiying, on the other hand, continued to work as a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party. Through this incident, the depravity of her character became self-evident.

After Jiang stuffed a note in Song’s hand containing the message, “Come to see your big brother when you are in need. Big brother can help you resolve anything,” she began to act like an important person because she knew she had Jiang to fall back on. One day before Jiang toured Southeast Asia, she walked in on Jiang Zemin at Zhongnanhai while he was with Li. Song threatened to kill herself unless Jiang would kick Li out and promise to never see her again or take her abroad as a journalist. Song reportedly gave Jiang an ultimatum, “You can’t have both of us. Take your pick!” Jiang allegedly gave Song his silent approval during the tantrum. Knowing she had been defeated, Li burst into tears and stormed out. Since then, Li has never been seen with Jiang on his trips abroad, nor does CCTV allow her to read any news regarding Jiang.

In the re-election for Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in 2003, a committee member cast a ballot for Song. When the announcer read, “One vote for Song Zuying,” all the committee members burst into laughter. It became even more amusing when the announcer read the next ballot, “A vote for Li Ruiying.” All the members winked and looked at each other knowingly. They knew that the Vice-Chairman and Secretary had already been pre-determined and the ballot was just for show, so why shouldn’t they have fun with Jiang’s sex scandal?

3. Ms. Chen Zhili

Among Jiang’s mistresses, Chen Zhili has been the most loyal to him and has the highest position in the Communist Chinese government.

A Hideous Political Liaison in Addition to Sex

Following the Great Cultural Revolution, Chen Zhili started working for the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics (SIC) at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Jiang’s oldest son Jiang Mianheng happened to work at SIC as well. After Jiang was appointed Secretary of the Shanghai City Committee (a position similar to mayor), Jiang Mianheng introduced Chen to his father. Jiang and Chen hit it off right away. In 1988, Chen advanced quickly to the important position of Minister of Propaganda in Shanghai. Her sudden rise from obscurity caused a commotion in the Shanghai City Committee, because all the committee members knew she had advanced by granting sexual favors.

The World Economic Herald Incident was the focus of the Shanghai Students’ Democracy Movement in 1989. The senior top-leaders in the Chinese Communist Party that insisted on banning the movement with force later approved Jiang as the next Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party because of his handling of the World Economic Herald Incident. Chen was also very tough on this issue.
When Jiang went to Beijing in May 1989, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Zhao Ziyang, severely criticized Jiang because of his failure to deal with the reporting of World Economic Herald. Jiang felt a disaster looming, but Chen immediately told him, “If the Central Government wants to punish someone [for the World Economic Herald Incident], I will take full responsibility.” This demonstrated Chen’s complete loyalty to Jiang. After the June 4 Student Massacre at Tiananmen Square, Chen ordered the firing of all employees at World Economic Herald and forbid the reporters from ever working as reporters again. When the newspaper’s editor-in-chief, Qing Benli, was near death, Chen went to his deathbed in person and announced that he had been expelled from the Chinese Communist Party to make sure that the editor-in-chief, a senior Communist cadre, would not die in peace.

Every member of the Shanghai City Committee at the time knew about the extramarital affair between Chen and Jiang. After all, Jiang had established himself as the worst of libertines through his sex scandal with Ms. Huang Liman while he was Minister of the Electronic Industry, his tacky behavior of stuffing a note into Song Zuying’s hand, as well as his eager, lustful demeanor when he meets beautiful women, which has been photographed by foreign journalists. The fact that the common-looking Chen was able to secure such a relationship for several decades has proven that sex isn’t the only reason for his affairs. This one was also a hideous political liaison.

After Jiang started working in Zhongnanhai, he wanted to bring Chen to Beijing and give her an important position, but he did not get his wish because the former Head of the Organization Department, Song Ping, and other leaders of the Chinese Communist Party objected. In 1997 when Deng Xiaping became seriously ill and Jiang started to call the shots, he finally had the power to bring Chen to Beijing and appoint her as Chairman of the Education Committee. In the first meeting of the Education Committee that Chen attended, she was so eager to discredit the sex scandal between her and Jiang that she began her speech by saying that she was in a perfectly happy marriage and was perfectly in love with her husband. The committee members were dumfounded by her extreme digression from the subject at hand, and her ploy had the opposite effect of making her indecent relationship with Jiang all the more obvious.

Destroying China’s Education System

In 1998, Jiang appointed Chen to be head of the Education Ministry despite the fact that she had no experience in the field of education. Later she was promoted to State Councilor at the State Department in charge of the Nation and the Liberation Army’s education.

Chen has repeatedly faced the danger of impeachment over the past few years. At one time, over 1,200 college professors from more than 80 colleges and universities presented a joint letter to the Chinese Central government, urging reform of the dangerously crippled education system right away. The principals of several dozen colleges, including the most prestigious Qinghua and Beijing Universities, called Chen the “Chinese roving Ambassador in Europe and America” because she had done nothing but travel all around the world at the taxpayers’ expense. They repeatedly and strongly requested the impeachment of Chen.

Finally, Chen was removed from her post, but before educators could sigh in relief, more bad news came: Jiang broke all the rules and made Chen a State Councilor at the State Department in charge of education. Now she was no longer the Minister of Education, she was in an even higher position: State Councilor. When the 32 groups of representatives attending the 16th National People’s Congress were discussing the list of new leaders at the State Department, it was alleged that 27 groups of representative and nearly 40 colleges strongly objected to having Chen as a State Councilor. However, Chen became State Councilor at the State Department in charge of the Nation and the Liberation Army’s education—because that’s what Jiang wanted.

The field of education is supposed to be a pure land for developing future generations of Chinese citizens, but Chen promoted the concept of long-term economic investment in China’s education system. As a result, schools became diploma mills, and they began increasing tuitions arbitrarily. The business of forging diplomas, as well as the demand for purchasing diplomas, has gradually become the norm in China. Many are outraged by Chen’s “economic reforms” in China’s education system. According to a report from China’s Pricing Inspection and Supervision’s work meetings, the supervisory departments of schools at many different levels, including many prestigious schools, illegally collected money under various ruses—over 2.1 billion yuan in the year 2003 alone. According to the government’s official statistics, China’s 10-year obligatory educational system has illegally collected 200 billion yuan, and the schools’ collection of money for illegal reasons has become the number-one complaint for three consecutive years. Under Chen’s leadership, China’s education system has become the primary target of complaints.

Education is not just about collecting tuition. It has a huge impact on a nation’s future. After the fact that Jiang betrayed China became known to the world, Chen ordered the alteration of Chinese history books in December 2001 to favor Jiang. In the new version of history textbooks for high schools, Yue Fei and Wen Tianxiang from the Southern Song Dynasty are no longer revered as patriots, but Li Hongzhang, the traitor in the Qing Dynasty, is revered as a patriot. Even in the face of fierce opposition, Chen inverted the facts and the nature of right and wrong in order to defend Jiang’s treachery from public criticism.

Moreover, Chen used education as an important means to secure Jiang’s regime. She started brainwashing Chinese students as early as elementary school. It has become widely known outside of China that the Chinese Communist Party staged the Self-Immolation incident at Tiananmen Square in order to incite hatred against and justify its persecution of Falun Gong. Nevertheless, Chen ordered students in elementary schools and high schools to sign a petition supporting Jiang’s policy of persecuting Falun Gong. In doing so, Chen spread lies and the seeds of hatred in the students’ young minds.

During the seven years that Chen was Minister of Education, she stopped at nothing to destroy China’s already crippled education system and poison the minds of China’s youth. Because of her depraved education reforms, the quality of education continued to fall, as did the morality of schoolteachers. It has become fairly common for colleges to sell diplomas and degrees. Twenty percent of China’s youth are unable to receive the nine years of obligatory education. The morality level at high schools and colleges has fallen to new lows, as having sex with prostitutes, gambling and cheating on exams have become very popular.

Chen runs education like a business and promotes the selling of education as merchandise. The promise of nine years of obligatory education was scarcely realized, but now it has completely disappeared because of Chen. Moreover, Chen increased the quota for each college and raised tuition rates in order to increase revenue. As a result, many farmers have to sell their blood on a regular and frequent basis in order to pay for their children’s college tuition. On the other hand, Chen allocated very little resources to reduce college tuitions. She also encouraged college professors to do more money-generating research. As a result, the professors neglect their students’ education, causing the quality of college graduates to deteriorate. Meanwhile, China’s economy is declining, so the number of unemployed people has increased drastically. Employment opportunities have become scarce and a lot of people are looking for jobs. It’s now fairly common for new college graduates to have difficulty finding a job. The corruption of education and academic research has become very severe. Those who studied hard to be admitted to college paid a huge amount of tuition but did not learn much and have difficulty finding a job. The Chinese people are angry about the current situation in the field of education. People have even posted the following message on the Internet: “Killing a woman like Chen Zhili is not enough to pacify people’s anger.”

Jiang wanted to place people in his faction in the leadership ranks of the CMC in order to further secure his power. In 2003, he nominated Chen to be part of the CMC and become involved in the national defense and military education. However, the plan was discarded during discussions at the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau because of a large disparity of opinions. When the nomination was sent to the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, it also faced a fierce debate. Eleven members voted against her nomination or defaulted their votes. Many high-level leaders in the Chinese Army despise Chen and call her “Slut Chen” behind her back.

4. Ms. Huang Liman

Huang Liman is one of Jiang’s favorite mistresses.

Rendezvous for Sex in the Office

Huang Liman is from Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province. She graduated from Harbin Military Engineering Academy. Huang did not excel in her academic performance, but despite her average looks, Huang has always been known for her sex appeal. A former classmate recalled, “Students there were allowed to dance with the opposite sex starting in middle school, and many boys fought over Huang. A schoolteacher at Harbin Military Engineering Academy had an affair with Huang. His wife learned about it and caused a scene, and the teacher eventually was punished for it.”

In the early 80’s, Jiang was Minister of the Electronics Industry when Huang happened to be working in the ministry’s office. According to her colleagues at the office, Huang dressed to kill and wore a lot of makeup when she came to work every day. The offensively strong fragrance of her French perfume and the sound of her high heels always preceded and announced her arrival. Jiang would smile in lustful delight.

The Chinese Communist Party organizations allow an hour for nap after lunch. At the nap hour every day, Huang would sneak into Minister Jiang’s office. When her colleagues heard the Minister’s office being locked next door, they would exchange complicit smiles.

Once the Chinese Central government delivered an urgent document to Jiang. The messenger knew what was going on inside Minister Jiang’s office, so he dared not ruin his pleasure. He had no choice but to wait anxiously for over an hour outside the door. Long after the chime announced the end of the nap hour, Huang finally came out of the Minister’s office, her clothes in disarray. It was not until then that the messenger was finally able to enter the office and deliver the urgent document. Later Jiang became the mayor of Shanghai because of Wang Daohan’s help. Before he left the Ministry in Beijing for Shanghai, he made Huang the Vice Chairman of the Administrative Office of the Electronics Industry Ministry. Shortly after Jiang arrived in Shanghai, a direct telephone line to Shanghai was installed in Huang’s home.

The Chinese Communist Party leaders at the level of ministry, bureau and department do not have to pay for their residential long-distance phone calls. However, Huang’s telephone bills were exceedingly high. Eventually the Finance Department at the Electronics Industry Ministry had to reveal her phone bills. Finally the Telephone Bureau confirmed that the majority of the long-distance calls were made to Shanghai and almost every call was over two hours long. The affair between Huang and Jiang could no longer be hidden from her husband, and Huang’s husband decided to settle the divorce in court. Jiang reportedly hurried back to Beijing and negotiated with Huang’s husband. The two allegedly came to terms because Huang’s husband moved to Shenzhen and worked for an electronics company, while Huang remained in Beijing alone for Jiang’s pleasure when he went to Beijing to report to the leaders at Zhongnanhai.

Stirring up Trouble and Calling the Shots in Shenzhen

After the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989, Jiang transferred Huang to Shenzhen. At first, the Chinese Communist Party leaders in Shenzhen underestimated her influence, but knowing of her affair with Jiang, they put her in the position of Assistant Secretary-General of the Shenzhen City Committee, a position with no real power. Huang complained about it to Jiang, asking him to seek revenge for her. Unfortunately Jiang had not yet secured his power at that time. Besides, Huang’s boss was Ren Kelei, the oldest son of Ren Zhongyi, a senior leader of the Chinese Communist Party. Jiang couldn’t run the risk, so he had no choice but to ask Huang to temporarily put up with it.

In 1993, Deng Xiaoping held an inspection tour in Shenzhen. Because Jiang was opposed to the economic reforms, he almost lost the position of General Secretary. He immediately initiated damage control by following Deng Xiaoping’s footstep to Shenzhen.

As soon as the leaders of the Shenzhen City Committee were prepared to make a presentation, Jiang asked in a seemingly nonchalant manner without even looking up, “Why isn’t comrade Huang here?” The question shook Secretary of Shenzhen City Committee Mr. Li Youwei, because according to the regulations, the Assistant Secretary-General wasn’t supposed to sit in on a meeting of this level. This was a hint to Li Youwei that he must not underestimate the importance of Huang. Li Youwei was very familiar with the political atmosphere, so he immediately sent a car to pick up Huang. After the meeting, Jiang said to Li Youwei in a friendlier manner, “I have a good appetite today. Come with me to Huang Liman’s home tonight and have some dumplings.” Later, Li Youwei rubbed his head and sighed, “That slut from northeastern China almost cost me my job!”

Next, the Shenzhen City Committee went through reorganization and Huang became Secretary-General and a Permanent Member of the Shenzhen City Committee. Later she became Deputy Secretary of the Shenzhen City Committee and had an encrypted phone line at home that was connected directly to Zhongnanhai. Since Shenzhen City was built, no political leader there had ever had an encrypted phone line to Zhongnanhai.

Because of her political status, Huang became very wealthy. During those years there was a lot of traffic to her home. Some people begged her for a position in the government; some people begged her to cover up their crimes. According to a friend of mine at the prosecutor’s office, a lot of major financial criminals were acquitted after they bribed Huang with a large bundle of money.

But the truth is that all the politicians in Shenzhen City despised Huang because they knew she climbed up the ladder by granting sexual favors to Jiang. An undisclosed senior leader in Shenzhen City said, “Huang Liman does not have any talent, morality, political accomplishments or support from the people. She is only good in Jiang’s bedroom.”

To keep Huang’s husband from exploding, Jiang ordered the Shenzhen government to approve his real estate development project in Yinhu. The Lianhe Plaza project in Shenzhen alone cost over 100 million yuan to build and the builder was Huang’s husband.

Once Huang began calling the shots in Shenzhen, her sisters also prospered. Her first younger sister, Huang Lirong, is Chairman of the Labor Union of a large corporation in Shenzhen. The CEO of the corporation enquires after and pledges his loyalty to Huang and Huang Lirong every day. In 1997 when the company began trading its stock on the stock market, the CEO gave them 50,000 shares of stock for free. Later when the Shenzhen Cooperative Bank was founded, Huang made her second younger sister, Huang Lizhe, the head of a department at the bank. For the past few years, the money supply for all the banks in China has been very low, but Huang’s husband’s private company was never short of cash. The profit from issuing loans alone would be enough to provide for several generations of people in the Huang family.

Later, Huang became the Assistant Secretary of the Guangdong Province Committee. Before Li Changchun was appointed Secretary of the Guangdong Province Committee, Jiang gave him special instructions: “For every decision you make, you must consult with comrade Huang Liman first.” Li Changchun took those words to heart and always followed Huang in making decisions. As a reward, Li Changchun was made a Permanent Member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the CPC’s Central Committee in November 2002. As for Huang, as soon as Jiang had the power to do so, he arranged for her to become a candidate for the People’s Congress at its 16th assembly. She is now the third candidate from the top.

Huang Liman’s Secret Stash

According to sources in China, the Chinese Central government once conducted an inspection of government officials in some target provinces and cities, and in doing so they discovered the severity and magnitude of corruption. As Secretary of the Shenzhen City Committee, it was shocking that Huang could spend to her heart’s content, but the amount of her savings remained at the watermark of 50 billion yuan.

According to the investigative report of China’s State Audit Bureau, Huang received 0.3 million yuan in monthly benefits. The report also showed that the leaders at the provincial level in Shenzhen City Committee and Shenzhen City Government, including Huang, each received 0.25 to 0.3 million yuan in monthly benefits and salaries. For their personal party and banquet expenditures alone, they spent 0.15 to 0.2 million yuan renting luxurious hotel suites at the Wuzhou Hotel every month. In addition, they spent 50,000 yuan purchasing gifts every month.

During the four years Huang worked in Shenzhen, she also kept luxurious mansions in Shenzhen Bay, Gaungzhou, Beijing and Shanghai, whose market values totaled 14 to 15 million yuan. Her mansions in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen were paid for with her housing benefits. In other words, they were gifts from the Chinese government. Her mansion in a scenic part of Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou alone has a market value of 4 million yuan. Huang did not pay for the mansion at all; she only had to pay for the interior design expenses. In fact, there are about 40 mansions in that scenic area and most of them belong to current and past members of the Guangdong Province Committee. Huang has another European style mansion in Shenzhen Bay. It is 280 square meters in size and boasts a garden of over 100 square meters. The market value is nearly 5 million yuan, but Huang paid only 50,000 yuan for it. In terms of the square footage of her mansions and the amount of housing benefits given to her, it is against the government’s rules and regulations for Huang to have them.

Huang has also been prosecuted for renting 16 luxurious suites in the Qilin Mansion and the Wuzhou Hotel for a long period of time in the name of the Shenzhen City Committee. (The high-level cadres at the provincial level use them for vacations and holidays.) The hotel expenses totaled 20 million yuan a year.

While Huang was reigning over Shenzhen City, the number of robberies rose to 600 per day on average. Shenzhen became a paradise for criminals. After Jiang stepped down, Huang soon lost her power and was transferred to Guangdong Province, where she became Chairman of the People’s Congress, a position with no real power. However, it will take a long time to repair the severe damage she has done to Shenzhen.

It must be difficult even for Jiang to keep track of the number of women with whom he has been sexually involved. In the 50’s while Jiang studied in the Soviet Union, he had a Russian mistress named Klava. While Jiang was head of the Electric Industry Ministry, he traveled to the United States for the first time and slept with a prostitute in Las Vegas. Afterwards, the prostitute reportedly told the FBI, “That fatso was a good tipper.” Naturally the Communist Chinese government paid for all the expenses. In the 80’s when Jiang was Mayor of Shanghai, he visited San Francisco. During the tour, he made special arrangements to go to Reno, another famous casino town in the United States. Finally Jiang lost all the money he had, so the Shanghai City government had to wire more money over in a hurry. During the tour, Jiang suddenly had an urge for American women. A high-level police officer responsible for Jiang’s personal safety listened to Jiang’s special request and was completely dumbfounded. Never would he have expected that the Mayor of the second largest city of a large nation such as China would openly make such a tacky and indecent request for a prostitute. Even more than 10 years later, he would occasionally talk about this incredible story with his friends.

As a libertine leading a dissolute life, it is difficult to say how many children Jiang actually has. His wife Wang Zhiping gave birth to two sons, the older named Jiang Mianheng (formerly known as Jiang Minkang) and the younger named Jiang Miankang. But Jiang allegedly has a third son, Jiang Chuankang, who was born out of wedlock and has never appeared in Jiang’s family portraits. Jiang Chuankang is a mid-level leader in the CCP’s Party Administration. He is allegedly a leader of the “610” Office.

Many men consort with women for sex. Generally speaking, when high-level Chinese Communist officials have extramarital affairs, they pay their mistresses a lot of money but they don’t allow them to get involved in politics. Also, most of their mistresses are single or divorced women. Jiang, on the other hand, had sex with prostitutes at the government’s expense, and he has put his mistresses in high places of government. These women, after being promoted to high places, were completely devoted to Jiang in ruining China. They have assisted Jiang in destroying the Chinese people’s cultural assets and traditional moral values. Chen Zhili destroyed China’s education system. Huang Liman promoted and accelerated the corruption of government officials. Song Zuying sings cultural propaganda to cover up the many crises China faces. Jiang’s Russian mistress Klava helped the Russian KGB turn Jiang into a traitor and got him to give China’s territory to Russia. Keeping this in mind, it’s easy to see how Jiang’s lustful life has damaged not only his personal reputation, but also China’s prosperity and the Chinese people’s future.

5. Even Chickens and Dogs Ascend to High Places When Their Master Rises to Power

All the women Jiang has slept with ascended to high places when he rose to power. Naturally, Jiang’s relatives have also ascended to high places.

Jiang Mianheng, the Most Corrupt Man in China

In the 1980’s Jiang sent his son Jiang Mianheng to the United States. He studied there, started his family, had a son, and became a permanent resident of the United States. He also kept watch on developments in China while he was in the United States. In 1992, when Jiang established complete control over the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese Communist government and the army, he immediately summoned Jiang Mianheng to return and take advantage of his power to make huge profits in China. Thus, Jiang Mianheng brought his wife and son back to China. In January 1993, he began to work as a common researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics (SIC) in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It raised many eyebrows that he became the Head of SIC in just four years. As Jiang continued to stabilize and expand his power, Jiang Mianheng started to make business investments while keeping his job at the SIC.

In 1994, Jiang Mianheng bought the Shanghai Joint Investment Company worth over 100 million yuan for the incredibly low price of only a few million yuan borrowed from a bank. This was how Jiang Mianheng started his telecommunications empire. Huang, the Vice Chairman of the Shanghai City Economic Committee, originally founded the company after spending a lot of time and effort. But after founding the company and running it for only three months, Huang was suddenly transferred back to the Shanghai City Economic Committee. Next, Jiang Mianheng suddenly landed the position of President and General Manager as though he came down in a parachute. As a result, he suddenly became the King of Telecommunications in China. Mr. Huang has disappeared since then and no one can even remember his name. This is how Jiang Mianheng robbed him of the Shanghai Joint Investment Company.

The company is registered as a state-run corporation, but it has actually become Jiang Mianheng’s private business. With the Shanghai Joint Investment Company as his personal enterprise, Jiang Mianheng literally owns Shanghai. Being Jiang’s oldest son, Jiang Mianheng has both money and power in his pockets. Therefore, his business is guaranteed to be a huge success. Overseas Chinese and western entrepreneurs, including Yahoo cofounder Jerry Yang, were eager to do business with him. In a few years, Jiang Mianheng built a giant telecommunications empire. By 2001, Jiang Mianheng owned the Shanghai Joint Investment Company and had control over 10 other companies through stocks, including the Shanghai Information Network, Shanghai Cable Network, China Network, etc. He runs a wide variety of businesses, such as cable, electronic publishing, DVD/VCD production, and broadband networks for online businesses.

According to businessmen in Shanghai, Jiang Mianheng is President of numerous companies and has businesses in nearly all of the most prosperous industries. He is even in the top-level management of the Shanghai Tunnel and Shanghai Subway. A businessman once flew with Shanghai Airline. During the flight, he accidentally saw in the company’s magazine a photograph of the airline’s board of directors meeting. One of the men in the photograph was Jiang Mianheng. However, Shanghai Airline has never made its official board of directors list known to the public. According to businessmen in Shanghai, Jiang Mianheng is not only China’s king of telecommunications, but also the head of the underworld society in the Shanghai Triad.

Success in business did not satisfy Jiang Zemin and Jiang Mianheng. After all, successful businessmen in the history of the Chinese Communist Party were vulnerable without a high position in the Chinese Communist government. As a result, China’s State Department announced a list of new posts on Dec. 2, 1999, and Jiang Mianheng was one of the names on the list. It turned out that Jiang had appointed him to be the Number Two figure in the Chinese Academy of Science.

The high-profile annual Fortune Global Forum in 2001 was held in May 2001 in Hong Kong. Jiang brought Jiang Mianheng to the forum and introduced him to some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world, especially those wealthy businessmen with multi-national businesses, in order to expand the family’s empire. On the next day when China’s application to host the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing was approved, Jiang Mianheng signed huge business contracts with these wealthy men. By then, Jiang Mianheng had become the embodiment of the “commercial bureaucrat.”

China Network was formerly known as Network, which was also owned by Jiang Mianheng. At the time Jiang Mianheng wanted to take over Northern Telecomm. Actually, under his poor management, Network was facing bankruptcy and did not have the cash to take over Northern Telecomm. In order to solve Jiang Mianheng’s business crisis, Jiang ordered China Telecomm to be divided into Northern Telecomm and Southern Telecomm—then gave Northern Telecomm with its fixed assets in 10 northern provinces to Network for free.

In September 2004, Network once again delayed the date that its stocks would be traded on the stock market. It was the only one of the four biggest telecommunications companies in China whose stock was not listed. October was the final deadline. Three out of the four biggest telecommunications companies in China had the ability to trade their company’s stock on the stock market. As a son of Jiang Zemin, the most powerful politician in China at the time, why was Jiang Mianheng unable to trade Network’s stocks on the stock market after obtaining Northern Telecomm and all of its fixed assets in 10 northern provinces? Where did the money go?

Before the stocks could be publicly traded, Jiang Mianheng put Network through mergers three times and canceled them later. During the confusion of the mergers and splits, Jiang Mianheng swept the company’s assets into his own pocket. Jiang Mianheng personally recruited Zhang Chunjiang and made him the President of China Networks. Zhang once openly declared, “All the efforts were geared towards the company’s stock to be traded on the stock market.” In other words, Jiang Mianheng had stolen all the assets of Network, a supposedly state-owned corporation, before he made the hollowed out company’s stock available for purchase on the stock market.

There is another publicly known scandal. In September 2000, Jiang Mianheng and Wang Wenyang, the son of the wealthiest businessman in Taiwan, Wang Yongching, announced the start of Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (GSMC) as a joint venture with a total joint investment of US$6.4 billion. But Wang Wenyang stated that he did not invest a penny. It was Jiang Mianheng who came up with all the money for the investment from the bank. Jiang Mianheng capitalized on his father’s power and became filthy rich. He has literarily become the most corrupt man in China. Moreover, Jiang made him Number Two in the Chinese Academy of Science despite the fact that he has no academic achievements. This was truly the most infamous scandal in the field of science in China and throughout the world.

Zhou Zhengyi, known as the wealthiest real estate magnate in Shanghai, was arrested in May 2003. Following his arrest, the Vice President of the Hong Kong branch of the Bank of China, Liu Jinbao, was fired and prosecuted for cheating on his taxes, manipulating the stock market and illegally granting loans. This case is now known as the biggest financial fraud since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. According to the investigation, the financial fraud was traced all the way back to Jiang Mianheng. When Jiang Mianheng established GSMC, Liu Jinbao granted GSMC billions of business loans against the law.

According to Hong Kong’s Open Magazine, while investigating whether Zhou Zhengyi collaborated with government officials to steal private land, the investigators traced the crime to Jiang’s two sons. Putuo District is adjacent to Jing‘an District. The investigators discovered that Jiang Mianheng and Putuo District authorities had stolen a large tract of land in Jing’an District through Zhou Zhengyi. The government approved Jiang Mianheng and Jiang Miankang’s acquisition of the land they use in Shanghai, but the problem is that they did not pay for it. Jiang Mianheng is even more wicked and coldhearted than Zhou Zhengyi. When Zhou Zhengyi stole the land, he at least had to bribe the underworld society, the Shanghai Gang, but Jiang Mianheng did not have to pay anyone. No one has the temerity to mess with him, so he forced the residents off of their private property, and did not compensate them at all as he should have.

Shortly before the 16th National People’s Congress, Jiang Mianheng inspected the No. 502 Branch of the Information Product Ministry and watched a demonstration of the second generation of high-speed Internet. One demonstration was designed to show the speed of Internet search engines. Wanting to please Jiang Mianheng, the staff making the presentation used the key word “Jiang” to demonstrate a search on Google, never expecting that three of the top 10 hits in the search results would describe Jiang’s crimes. Moreover, the first article in the search result had the headline, “Evil Jiang.” Jiang Mianheng was both shocked and angry.

Following the inspection, Jiang Mianheng began to escalate the efforts to filter the Internet. He is responsible for developing the Golden Shield Project to completely control the Internet and monitor people’s access to the Internet in China. The initial investment in the Golden Shield Project alone totaled US$800 million. The goal of the Golden Shield Project is to completely deny the Chinese people’s right to obtain overseas information about democracy, human rights and freedom, especially overseas information about Falun Gong. Jiang Mianheng has become the head supervisor of the network police under Jiang Zemin’s reign.

China Has Become Jiang’s Family Dynasty

Jiang’s younger son Jiang Miankang is not as ambitious or ferocious, but Jiang asked for Xu Caihou’s help to make Jiang Miankang Vice Chairman of the Political Committee at the Nanjing Army Base, as well as a Major General. Jiang Miankang has a background in radio and has never worked on anything that has to do with the army. But Jiang does not trust anyone with military power, so he tried to transfer Jiang Miankang to the General Strategy Department of the Chinese Liberation Army. But the head of the CMC, Chi Haotian, objected to his nomination. Jiang had no choice but to settle Jiang Miankang in the position of Head of the Second Bureau in the Army’s General Political Department. Soon he was promoted to be Assistant Director of the Organization Department and next, Director of the Organization Department.

Jiang’s uncle, Jiang Shangqing has two daughters, Jiang Zehui and Jiang Zeling. Jiang promoted Jiang Zehui to high places. She was a common schoolteacher at Anhui Agriculture College in Anhui Province. As Jiang continued to advance in his political career, he promoted Jiang Zehui at an incredible speed. First he made Jiang Zehui Dean of the School of Forestry at Anhui Agriculture College, and then he made her the Principal of Anhui Agriculture College. Finally he made her the Head of China’s Forestry Department.

Jiang has a nephew named Wu Zhiming in Bangpu, Anhui Province. Wu had worked as a lowly switchman for 18 years. He is a relative on Jiang’s mother’s side. Wu Zhiming is an uneducated man. It was not until Jiang became the Secretary of the Shanghai City Committee that he became a member of the Chinese Communist Party in March 1986 and was given a position in the Shanghai government. Almost immediately he was made a leader in the local government. Wu is now a Permanent Member of the Shanghai City Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee at Shanghai City Public Security Bureau, the Head of Shanghai City Public Security Bureau and the Ranking Member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai City Military Police.

Jiang Zeling’s son Tai Zhan lost 11.5 million yuan in real estate. However, the trial against Tai Zhan faced a lot of obstacles and pressure from the top because he is Jiang’s nephew. Tai Zhan was unable to pay back the debt from the loss of his real estate investment, so he forged a company stamp of the Yangzhou Gangzhan Real Estate Development Company, a Hong Kong company, in order to forge documents and mortgage the company’s 45 apartments to get the cash to pay his debt. The Hong Kong company filed a lawsuit against Tai Zhan in the Guangling People’s Court and the court started processing the case in March 2000. Although the court verified that the company stamp on the document was forged, it was forced to announce it had dropped the investigation and trial on March 30, 2000, because of pressure from the Secretary of Yangzhou City Commission, Wu Donghua, Secretary of the Yangzhou City Political and Legal Committee, Ji Rengui, and the Head of the Yangzhou Intermediate Court Shuai Xiaofang. As a result, the company never got its property back.

According to insiders’ information, Jiang’s nephew Tai Zhan has been buying a lot of houses, stocks and entertainment businesses for over 10 years. He is the General Manager of Yangzhou Highrise, the owner of Tianzhan Entertainment City and the president of many joint venture companies. Tai Zhan has also used his influence as Jiang’s nephew to get a loan of 16 million yuan for his personal stock trading from the Northern Industry Group, a company with a military background. Since then, Tai Zhan has been very active in the business arena.

In January 2003, Jiang made another nephew, Xia Deren, a Permanent Member of the Liaoning Province Committee, Assistant Secretary of the Dalian City Committee and the Mayor of Dalian City. Since then, Jiang has had his way in Dalian City when he visits, as though the city were his private property.

According to media reports, Zhou Yongkang has claimed to be Mrs. Jiang’s nephew and often boasts that he is very close to “Chairman Jiang.” Zhou Yongkang is a rather depraved man. According to people close to Zhou, he often slept at the hotel with the excuse of working late. But the truth is that he purposely checked into the hotel in order to hire prostitutes. Moreover, it is said that on multiple occasions he has forced himself upon female employees of the hotels. In addition, Zhou has been one of the government officials most enthusiastic about persecuting the Falun Gong. Jiang appointed Zhou Minister of Public Security Ministry.

It is difficult to track the total number of Jiang’s relatives who have advanced to high places or made huge profits because of their relation to Jiang. When the higher-ups do not set a good example, the subordinates cannot be expected to behave well. Jiang’s sexual escapades have caused the already corrupt Chinese Communist regime to become irreversibly corrupt.


[1] “Outrage: Paul Andreu designs the National Theatre of China in Beijing,” The Architectural Review, December 1999. [2] Robert L. Kuhn, The Man Who Changed China: The Life and Legacy of Jiang Zemin (New York: Crown, 2004), 432.