China Uncensored: China Lands Military Plane in South China Sea

China just landed a military plane on the Fiery Cross Reef, one of their artificial islands in the South China Sea.

The South China Sea: what my favorite Chinese state-run media Global Times calls “a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation.”

Which is exactly why China landed a military aircraft on Fiery Cross Reef on Monday.

Fiery Cross Reef is one of those disputed islands China has been building up in the South China Sea. It’s also claimed by Vietnam and the Philippines. But China is the one who’s built a 1.8-mile long runway there—long enough to land military planes.

Don’t worry, Monday’s landing was for a rescue mission—to airlift three sick civilians to a hospital, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lu Kang.

But if you think that China landing a military plane on a disputed island, then broadcasting it prominently on state-run television, is a signal that China intends to aggressively fight for its territorial claims there, you'd be wrong.

The real threat to peace and stability is America—and the Philippines. They just completed two weeks of annual joint military exercises. Once again, according to Lu Kang, “These activities from the Philippines and America are poisoning regional and inter-country relations, are exacerbating regional conflicts and are increasing tensions in the region, damaging the peace and stability of the South China Sea.”

Yes, the ones damaging peace and stability are the countries that are not building permanent military facilities there.

Because while the Philippines calls for international court arbitration over the disputed territory, China just stations its military there.

So what do you think? Leave your comments below.