Video: Charlie’s 1st Steps--With a Little Help From Friends

Epoch Video

An incredible video has surfaced online showing the amazing moment an adorable tiny four year old Chinese boy walks for the first time with the aid of adults and a new set of mechanical legs.

We are told via a series of captions that conveniently appear on screen that the boy, who’s name we are told is Charlie, has been in the USA since the age of four when a pair of kind-hearted Americans adopted him as their own.

In the video we see the boy being fitted with his brand new prosthetic legs before taking a few steps with the help of a set of parallel bars and a few adult helpers. At first he walks gingerly, the two men guiding him on his way and his hands gripped tightly to the metal bars either side of him.

Pretty soon, after prompting and inspiration from Bella, a 7 year old amputee who shows him exactly how to do it, he begins to become more sure footed and manages to walk a little unaided before showing his inner strength to pull himself up on to an office chair that has been placed at the end of the parallel bars.

The determined boy continues to try to get around by himself and as time goes on becomes more and more successful with his movement. Bella and the adults standing around him and continuing to urge him on as he takes great heart from their encouragement.

The video finishes with Charlie grinning as he walks pretty much unaided for the first time between his adult helpers who stare on in awe at his resilience.

Video Credit: POACFL | YouTube