Changes in Chinese Regime’s Tibet Issues Coordination Team

Changes in Chinese Regime’s Tibet Issues Coordination Team

China’s highest leading organization on dealing with Tibet, the Central Coordination Team on Tibet Issues, has had a change in its membership, according to reports by the Hong Kong based Information Center for Chinese Human Rights and Democracy. Four old members have withdrawn from the team and five new members have joined.

The Information center quoted from a Beijing source that the original eight members of the team are Jia Qinglin, Zhou Yongkang, Hua Jianmin, Liu Yandong, Zhang, Ma Kai, Jin Renqing, and Ye Xiaowen, among whom, Zhou Yongkang, Hua Jianmin, Liu Yandong, and Jin Renqing, have quit. The five new people who have joined include Meng Jianzhu, Du Qinglin, Xie Xuren, Zhang Ping, and Wu Shuangzhan.

Jia Qinglin is the Chairman of the People’s Consultative Conference and Zhou Yongkang is the head of the Central Political and Legislative Committee.

Sources revealed that Meng Jianzhu replaced Zhou Yongkang as the new Minister of Public Security; She Qinglin replaced Liu Yandong as the new Chief of United Front Work Department; and Xie Xuren replaced Jin Renqing as the new Minister of Finance.

Furthermore, since Ma Kai, the former Director of the State Development and Reform Commission, was promoted as the Secretary-General of the State Council and replaced Hua Jianmin as the Vice Head of the Team, the new Director of the State Council, Zhang Ping, joined the team.

The Information Centre declared that the Armed Police Commander Wu Shuangzhan also was appointed to the team. This is the first time that an armed policeman has entered the highest leading organization of Tibet issues.