Cell phones spy software and basic morality issues

Cell phones spy software and basic morality issues
Justice Pretorius

A lot of noise are now been made in the media regarding the suitability of cell phone spyware but in fact spyware now provides users with an effective way in which to track especially cell phone communications and usage. However the roots of moral conflict are something which has existed from the beginning. Right from the start there were always individuals that had a problem with sticking to proper conduct and who were tempted to take the more pleasurable route or the more beneficial direction whether such a direction were morally justifiable or not. Now I guess the question should be whether any person has the moral right to manipulate another human being in such a way that they have access to their most private actions for personal gain.

Even the Federal Bureau of investigation are now involved

This new cell phone spyware program which is known as the Stealth Genie has created enough of a stir to get the FBI involved in the investigation and a Pakistan citizen has been arrested for the purpose of interrogation. However there are some experts who are questioning the reasoning behind this case and the subsequent interrogation because it is well known that such programs have been used for some time now by businesses to spy literally up upon their employees and also by parents to keep better control over the whereabouts and the cell phone usage of their minor children. However law enforcement officials has expressed their opinion that the way in which Stealth Genie gathers its information are in fact a violation of the privacy of people who are targeted by this software application.

We were all given the divine right to make our own decisions

It is just that every one of us will only live once and we only have so much time in order to accomplish all of our lives dreams and why should our freedom of choice be manipulated by another individual. I can totally understand the concerns of a parent who wants to have access to the contacts which are made by their minor children. I can understand that the parent would want to protect their children from possible harm and I suppose that the business who is paying a specific employee for a certain amount of hours which was worked during a specific day would want to ensure that they are receiving value from such an employee who is reimbursed by that company. We all know that there are some employees who will take advantage of this system and who will deny the company as much of that time as possible.

Cell phone spyware as a counterterrorist initiative

There can be no doubt that there are many atrocities which are committed by various groups all over the planet which are harmful to people, but such fanatics believe that they have a religious or personal right to conduct those actions. Because of the extreme danger which such actions holds for people everywhere I believe that the use of cell phone spyware in these instances will be justified because of the many lives which it can potentially safe. I believe that the marriage partner should probably be justified to make use of such spyware if there are sufficient reason to believe that an act of deceit are being engaged in by the partner which are placing the relationship in danger.

Even the assistant attorney general offered his opinion

Mr. Caldwell was quoted as saying that selling spyware is not only reprehensible it’s also a crime against mankind. There seems to be a significant division between two camps in relation to this cell phone spyware software called Stealth Genie. On the one hand we have parents and employees who are using this software for what they believe to be a justifiable means and the other hand we have a whole lot of unsavory characters who are using this software to target especially female victims and to use information which are extracted from the victims cell phones to intimidate such victims and to use such extracted information for blackmail and other illegal activities. It seems to be clear by now that there is a positive side to this software but in the wrong hands it can really cause a tremendous amount of damage and the power which one obtain by processing this software may just be a strong enough temptation to corrupt even the most morally inclined among us.

High moral conduct should determined the need for such spyware

Just as everyone has to live their lives according to a high moral system which will determine how such an individual would act in a specific situation likewise the use of cell phone spyware has to be utilized according to a very high moral standard. Playing God over another person’s life is not something which should to be engaged in lightly or irresponsibly. If you absolutely have to use cell phone spyware then visit www.cell-phones-spy-software.com for an interesting overview of several available cell phone spyware programs and their specific abilities. Then you will have to sit down and consider what exactly it is that you will need and whether the end will truly justify the means before you engage in this action. There can be no doubt that such an action of spying on another human being could have very negative consequences which could totally ruin such a relationship and which may ultimately not be in the best interest of either the user of the software or the person on whom such software are used.

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