CCP Suppresses Protests in East Turkestan

CCP Suppresses Protests in East Turkestan

TAIPEI—On March 30, nearly 1,000 demonstrators from China’s East Turkestan (Xinjiang) and Hetian city protested against the CCP’s human rights abuses, according to Dilixiati, spokesman for the World Uighur Congress. The Chinese regime launched a large-scale crackdown of the demonstration, arresting 500 and blocking media from reporting the event.

Dilixiati said that on March 23 and 24, demonstrators began protesting the scores of unmarried Uighur women that continue to be sent to mainland China for cheap labor. The regime reasons that the girls are sent for technical training and claims it is part of a program to aid the poor, but demonstrators argue that the young girls are taken forcibly and have not been resettled properly.

The demonstrators, with 80 percent being women, cited that some girls were also forced into prostitution. Fearing that the demonstration might spread throughout the Uighur region, the communist regime has prevented media coverage of the demonstration. Currently, the Chinese authorities have a substantial police presence in the area.

Dilixiati explains that the protesters are demanding that the Chinese regime stop torturing and arresting the Uighur people, release their political prisoners, and return the young women abducted for cheap labor.

The World Peacekeeping Assembly has appealed to the international community to raise concerns of human rights abuses in East Turkestan. They hope the United Nations Commission on Human Rights will join talks addressing the Uighur people’s complaints.

Ren Wenyi
Ren Wenyi
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