CCP Central Committee Politburo Identifies “Five Major Hostile Forces”

CCP Central Committee Politburo Identifies “Five Major Hostile Forces”

(Editor’s note: During times of internal instability, the CCP points to “forces” outside itself, and views China’s social problems as someone else’s fault. In fact, the Party is the real culprit. Historically, major “campaigns against state enemies” were used to shift the blame from Party corruption and mismanagement to others. This mindset is promoted throughout society, usually includes violence, and has cost the Chinese people dearly—over 60 million Chinese have lost their lives at the hands of the CCP since it took power in 1949).

Because the CCP has always used violence to resolve problems, it is not hard to see why it would want to attack the Epoch Times facilities and personnel. The CCP and its agents don’t seem to be able to function in any other way.]

On February 16, the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee held a lengthy meeting, and circulated a report indicating that the domestic situation is “complex” and that the international situation is “dangerous.” During the meeting “five major hostile forces” were identified.

Notification of the Domestic and International Situations

Just before China’s National Congress Meeting and Political Consultative Conference, the Politburo of the Central Committee held a lengthy meeting on February 16, and circulated a notice on the domestic and international situations. Commanders of all military departments and various military districts attended the conference.

At the meeting, the domestic situation was described as “complex,” and the international situation was referred to as “grim and dangerous.” The notification said: along with the development of the economy, political reform, the changes in the Party and government leadership, potentially vulnerable upcoming events include, the commencement of the 17th Party Congress in the fall of 2007, then in 2008, changes in the People’s Congress (Parliament), government, and the Olympic Games, etc., where domestic and foreign hostile forces will inevitably step-up their efforts of sabotage. Currently, in this new period, society is undergoing many contradictions. The contradictions are the inevitable consequence of the developing phase of an economic society. The contradictions have common characteristics across regions, yet they also retain characteristics peculiar to each region.

The nature of the contradictions is basically the contradictions among the people, mixed with different factors. If not handled properly and carefully, the contradictions may intensify or grow and follow a different course; thereby causing serious harm to the country or even result in inestimable disastrous consequences.

Five Major “Hostile Forces”

At the conference, the following five major “hostile forces” were announced: (1) international anti-China/anti-communist organizations; (2) international hostile organizations (42 international and regional organizations were named); (3) Taiwan, Tibet, and Xinjiang separatist forces; (4) cults and anti-China/anti-communist religious forces; and (5) hostile forces in exile.

Establishing the Special Police Force in Three Stages

The conference requested the strengthening of “Ad Hoc Matters Management Units” at the provincial and city levels. In order to handle rebellions and disturbances, the special police forces, formed by the public security and the armed police, would be established in three stages. First, the special police forces will be established in 36 cities and regions by the end of June 2006. Second, the special police forces will be established in 98 cities and regions by end of July 2007. Third, the special police forces will be established in 156 cities and regions by end of June 2008. The strength of the special police forces was temporarily set at 200,000 personnel, and the annual budget at 22.8 billion yuan (approximately US$2.81 billion).

Li, Luo, Cao, and Zhou Circulate the Notice

After the meeting, Li Changchun circulated the notice to the party, political department, and state departments at the Vice-Minister-level Conference. Luo Gan circulated the notice to the politics and law committee, public security and safety system at the Bureau Chief-level Cadre Conference. Cao Gangchuan circulated the notice to the military departments and institutes at the Division-level Cadre Conference. Zhou Yongkang circulated the notice in a nationwide teleconference for the public security, the security bureau, and the armed police brigade.

10 Aspects of the Five Major Hostile Forces

During the conference, Li Changchun, Luo Gan, and Zhou Yongkang pointed out the intentions of the five major hostile forces: 1. Create “the China threat theory” in the international community, sow discord between neighboring countries and China, thereby containing China’s peaceful emergence. 2. Increase activity for Taiwan’s independence, challenging our country’s territorial integrity, thus affecting the country’s working strategy, based on socialism. 3. Instigate support for Tibetan and Xinjiang independence in the international community so as to threaten China’s sovereignty and interfere with internal affairs. 4. Deliberately politicize economic problems and internationalize domestic problems. 5. Make use of our open policy to infiltrate domains like politics, economy, education, news, etc. 6. Act as the catalyst for social contradictions, seizing the opportunity to spread rumors and stir up trouble. 7. Use the Internet and telecommunications to spread rumors about our social system and leadership. 8. Intensify social contradictions, which become events that oppose the social system and the government. 9. Plan to establish political organizations in China that aim to subvert the current regime, and engage in hostile political activity under the pretence of religion. 10. Bribe overseas students, scholars and new immigrants, so that they will carry out hostile activities when they return to one’s native country to work.

Luo Gan and Zhou Yongkang both stated that domestic “internal contradictions” are very “thorny,” and could be easily intensified. Also, “external hostile infiltration” would not be difficult to manage, as it could be legally dealt with, and publicly exposed.

Tian Sui
Tian Sui