Casey Johnson, Heiress to Johnson & Johnson, Found Dead

Casey Johnson, the heiress to the Johnson & Johnson family fortune, was found dead at the young age of thirty in her Los Angeles home.
Casey Johnson, Heiress to Johnson & Johnson, Found Dead
Casey Johnson on Dec. 8, 2009 in Hollywood, California. The heiress to the Johnson and Johnson family fortune was found dead at her home in Los Angeles on Jan. 4th. Noel Vasquez/Getty Images
<a><img src="" alt="Casey Johnson on Dec. 8, 2009 in Hollywood, California. The heiress to the Johnson and Johnson family fortune was found dead at her home in Los Angeles on Jan. 4th. (Noel Vasquez/Getty Images)" title="Casey Johnson on Dec. 8, 2009 in Hollywood, California. The heiress to the Johnson and Johnson family fortune was found dead at her home in Los Angeles on Jan. 4th. (Noel Vasquez/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1824224"/></a>
Casey Johnson on Dec. 8, 2009 in Hollywood, California. The heiress to the Johnson and Johnson family fortune was found dead at her home in Los Angeles on Jan. 4th. (Noel Vasquez/Getty Images)
NEW YORK—Casey Johnson, the heiress to the Johnson & Johnson family fortune, was found dead at the young age of thirty in her Los Angeles home on January 4th.

Authorities have confirmed that Johnson’s death is not being investigated as a murder due to a lack of evidence indicating any suspicious behavior or signs of robbery. Johnson was fighting diabetes but the official cause of her death has yet to be stated and will likely remain unknown until the results of her toxicology reports are delivered.

“It’s really sad. She was really smart. She was a really smart girl,” said friend Lizzie Grubman to the Washington Post.

Johnson was well-known throughout the Hollywood social scene and was good friends with another well-known Los Angeles heiress Paris Hilton.

Johnson’s family has requested that any donations people wish to make for her family should be given to the Casey Johnson Memorial at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

A private funeral for her close family and friends is scheduled for later in the week. Representative for the family Jesse Derris made a statement at a press meeting regarding Johnson’s sudden death. 

“The Johnson family wishes to thank everyone who has expressed condolences and support during this trying time. Your thoughts and prayers are deeply appreciated,” Derris stated.
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