‘Can’t Get Enough:’ Taoyuan Audience Immersed in Shen Yun

After learning that Shen Yun is banned from performing in China due to its Falun Gong content, Mr. Hsu disagreed. “Shen Yun is very worth seeing,” he said.
‘Can’t Get Enough:’ Taoyuan Audience Immersed in Shen Yun
Taoyuan County Performance Center Performance Hall, in Taiwan. The Epoch Times
<a><img class="size-full wp-image-1768354" title="IMG_8685a" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/IMG_8685a.jpg" alt="Taoyuan County Performance Center" width="750" height="499"/></a>
Taoyuan County Performance Center

TAOYUAN, Taiwan—After Shen Yun’s evening performance on March 27, former Executive Director of New Kinpo Group, Mr. Hsu Wen-I, said that every program was “excellent with superb quality!” and that he “can’t get enough of it.”

After learning that Shen Yun is banned from performing in China due to its Falun Gong content, Mr. Hsu disagreed. “Shen Yun is very worth seeing,” he said.

Mr. Hsu’s said his favorite performance was Sand Monk is Blessed. “When the Sand Monk jumps out from the Flowing Sand River, it looks so vivid!” he said. “It’s not easy to do that.”

He said that he also admires the dances from different dynasties and ethnic groups, as well as the artists being able to work with the music and background animation so flawlessly and with ease. “Magnificent! Truly magnificent!” he said.

‘After seeing Shen Yun, I feel myself younger’

Also at the performance was an Indonesian Chinese family of six, who specifically took the trip to Taiwan to see Shen Yun. After seeing the show they expressed their excitement.

“We’ve heard of Shen Yun’s renown in Indonesia for a long time,” said Mr. Deng Mingxiang, one of the family members. “We really wanted to see it, but since we couldn’t in Indonesia, we were waiting for the chance to go abroad. This time, we finally made up our minds to see it in Taiwan—we just had to seize the opportunity.”

“It’s the glory of my life to see Shen Yun in Taiwan,” Mr. Deng added in his less-fluent Chinese. “I liked all the programs, and I felt wonderful listening to all the songs—the music was amazing and beautiful.”

Mr. Deng concluded by expressing how youthful he felt after seeing the show. “Shen Yun was just fabulous! It lives up to its name,” he said. “I'll never forget it. After seeing the show, I just feel younger.”

Read the original Chinese articles.[1] [2]

Reporting by Yuan Chung and Hsin-Yi Lin, Feng Changle and Lisa Huang

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org

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