SAN FRANCISCO—Human rights activist and civil rights defender François Cavard thoroughly enjoyed Shen Yun’s matinee on Jan. 7 at the War Memorial Opera House. He was very impressed by the quality of the performance and thought the artists were “extremely, extremely brave.”
“It requires a lot of strength and commitment to express your art against such a powerful regime such as the Chinese [communist leaders],” he said.
In the past, Mr. Cavard would turn off the TV whenever he saw something about China because he knew it was propaganda from the communist party. Shen Yun allowed him to connect with authentic Chinese culture.
“I admire [Shen Yun] very much, and I’m grateful because they let us know, the rest of the citizens of the world, the real tradition, real nature, and the real soul of the Chinese people,” he said, adding that he loved the divine element in the show.
Magda and François Cavard, with their granddaughter, at Shen Yun Performing Arts in San Francisco on Jan. 7, 2024. Steve Ispas/The Epoch Times
“We brought our granddaughter here because [spirituality] is something children are not being connected with, yet that’s what it’s all about between humans—it’s about spirit, about being good, about respect and holding on to your traditions, what you believe in, and what you’re fighting for.”
Based in New York, Shen Yun was established in 2006 by a group of leading Chinese artists who had fled the persecution of the communist party.
Under the regime’s violent rule, China’s 5,000 years of traditional culture were destroyed, and the spread of atheism was rampant. Yet, for thousands of years, Chinese people were very spiritual and believed that their culture was a gift from the heavens.
Shen Yun is now dedicated to reviving these traditions and showcasing to the world, through dance and music, the beauty of China before communism.
Shen Yun “is the best promoter of the true soul of China and what the Chinese people are really made of—not that corrupt, violent, and destructive regime,” Mr. Cavard stated.
“[The artists are] not putting aside what’s going on in China—but they’re not forgetting that there’s joy, there’s color, and there is music, and there is dignity in life. There is beauty in art.”
He also thought “it was gorgeous” the way Shen Yun blended classic art with the animated backdrop.
According to its website, Shen Yun’s patented 3D digital technology works together with the performers to “extend the stage to infinite realms” and brings “storytelling without limits” to its audience.
Exiting the theater, Mr. Cavard said he felt a sense of energy and enthusiasm.
“I have faith, and I want to keep doing whatever it takes to take down those regimes that try to make us forget our origin, our traditions, and try to steal our identity,” he said.
“These are extremely noble and artistic rebellions against a cruel and very destructive regime. After having a chance to see the culture here, it makes it an even bigger dream for me to visit China and see and share with the real people.”
If given a chance to speak with the performers, Mr. Cavard said he would like to tell them to “keep going.”
“I recognize how brave and noble it is to fight against such a powerful, corrupt, and destructive regime through art—it brings you higher. We see the show and we connect with your soul, we feel your pain, but at the same time we admire your courage. I, as an activist, got nourished by your example. You’re fighting with heart, and that’s gorgeous,” he expressed.
“It’s a beautiful example because sometimes we lose patience and think that violence may [be the answer,] but you tell us, ‘No, no, no.’ Don’t ever give up on your soul, on your beauty, on your art, and on your nobility.”
Reporting by Steve Ispas, NTD, and Jennifer Tseng.
Shen Yun Is the ‘Best Promoter of the True Soul of China,’ Says Human Rights Activist
“It requires a lot of strength and commitment to express your art against such a powerful regime such as the Chinese [communist leaders],” he said.
“We brought our granddaughter here because [spirituality] is something children are not being connected with, yet that’s what it’s all about between humans—it’s about spirit, about being good, about respect and holding on to your traditions, what you believe in, and what you’re fighting for.”
Shen Yun “is the best promoter of the true soul of China and what the Chinese people are really made of—not that corrupt, violent, and destructive regime,” Mr. Cavard stated.
“[The artists are] not putting aside what’s going on in China—but they’re not forgetting that there’s joy, there’s color, and there is music, and there is dignity in life. There is beauty in art.”
According to its website, Shen Yun’s patented 3D digital technology works together with the performers to “extend the stage to infinite realms” and brings “storytelling without limits” to its audience.
Exiting the theater, Mr. Cavard said he felt a sense of energy and enthusiasm.
“I have faith, and I want to keep doing whatever it takes to take down those regimes that try to make us forget our origin, our traditions, and try to steal our identity,” he said.
“These are extremely noble and artistic rebellions against a cruel and very destructive regime. After having a chance to see the culture here, it makes it an even bigger dream for me to visit China and see and share with the real people.”
“I recognize how brave and noble it is to fight against such a powerful, corrupt, and destructive regime through art—it brings you higher. We see the show and we connect with your soul, we feel your pain, but at the same time we admire your courage. I, as an activist, got nourished by your example. You’re fighting with heart, and that’s gorgeous,” he expressed.
“It’s a beautiful example because sometimes we lose patience and think that violence may [be the answer,] but you tell us, ‘No, no, no.’ Don’t ever give up on your soul, on your beauty, on your art, and on your nobility.”
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