Former Supervisor: Why Money is Not Able to Fix San Francisco’s Problems

Former Supervisor: Why Money is Not Able to Fix San Francisco’s Problems
Tony Hall (Courtesy of Bay Area Innovators)
Steve Ispas

Former San Francisco Supervisor Tony Hall explains the City’s problems, as man-made problems.  With over 5000 different non-profits doing business with the City of SF, there is no monitoring of the services they provide and how the money is being spent.  “There are people making money on the homeless problem, the way it is today” says Hall.

“The city has been mismanaged.  We are spending far in excess of $100,000 per homeless person.  Some of that money finds its way back to the elected officials and campaign donations, and that’s the problem”, added Hall.

San Francisco’s budget is $14B, compared to San Jose at $3B.  Tony Hall explains why the difference, and points out the $2B currently allocated to homeless services in the City.