“Housing inflation is unlikely to abate based on supply and demand trends,” Ackman wrote. “The inflation that households are actually experiencing is raging and well in excess of reported gov’t statistics.”
The U.S. annual inflation rate surged to 8.5 percent in March, with nearly everything higher than a year ago. But is this the real inflation number in the United States?
For years, there has been plenty of discussion and analysis surrounding the accuracy of the consumer price index (CPI), making this commonly used basket a controversial mechanism to gauge inflation.

Critics argue that if the CPI were calculated the way it was prior to the 1990s, the real inflation reading would be a lot higher than the official numbers show today.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) said it doesn’t factor in housing prices because residential properties are considered investments, which don’t enter into the CPI. However, it does include rent in the monthly snapshot of the cost of living because the tenant is paying for a service from a landlord.
Another method that the BLS employs to find out how large or small inflation might be in any given month is by weights. When the U.S. government is calculating the index, price changes are aggregated with weights, accounting for their importance and representation in the spending of the broader consuming public.
In the aftermath of the pandemic, consumers concentrated more of their food consumption on groceries rather than restaurants. Spending on food away from home dropped more than 30 percent, while spending on food at home rose more than 10 percent.
This is a part of the debate between utilizing a cost of goods index (COGI) or a cost-of-living index (COLI). In other words, should the CPI calculation crunch the data using a fixed basket of goods or permit substitutions?
If beef prices rise, shoppers may swap for a cheaper form of meat. A COGI measurement would still use beef’s price increase to determine inflation. COLI would let the beef be substituted for a less expensive type of meat.
Should consumer spending revert to its pre-pandemic trends, the BLS would use 2019 consumer spending data as the main source of spending weights.
If a CPI reading is lower, for example, the Social Security Administration faces reduced fiscal pressures when applying a cost-of-living adjustment to retirement benefits.
This year, Social Security and Supplemental Security Income increased 5.9 percent.
“Specifically, changes made to the definition of the CPI and related methodology in recent decades have reflected theoretical constructs offered by academia that have little relevance to the real-world use of the CPI by the general public. Importantly, the public usually has not been aware of or understood these changes.”
The CPI no longer measures the cost of living but rather “the cost of surviving,” said Donald Klepper-Smith, chief economist at DataCore Partners, LLC.
He said the tools used in the 1980s to calculate inflation weren’t perfect either, but the statistics the federal government relies on today “are not adequately measuring inflation the way consumers are experiencing it.”