Business Tips That Will Improve Your Next E-Newsletter Campaign

Ever wondered if the time you spend on your digital campaigns is paying off? Not quite sure if your loyal followers are just quiet, or maybe just not all that loyal? Below you’ll find a range of tips that will help you boost the success of your next e-Newsletter – it’s time to get that digital buzz going!
Business Tips That Will Improve Your Next E-Newsletter Campaign
Employees work in a call center in Bulgaria's capital Sofia on August 8, 2014. Nikolay Doychinov /AFP/Getty Images

Ever wondered if the time you spend on your digital campaigns is paying off? Not quite sure if your loyal followers are just quiet, or maybe just not all that loyal? Below you'll find a range of tips that will help you boost the success of your next e-Newsletter – it’s time to get that digital buzz going!

Titles are Teasers – make them Work!

Research has suggested that email subject lines can be the make or break of digital interaction with your subscribers. Subject lines with more than 50 characters are more likely to go unopened by the recipient, as are emails that refer to generic special offers or anything to do with payments.

Keep your subject lines short, snappy, and very clear. If you can, include a short spoiler or suggestion as to why they may want to open the email.

Be Careful when you Personalise it!

“Dear [first name]” can feel a little generic, particularly when you know it’s coming from a company. If you can, try to loosen the greeting up a little bit, or find a way to place their name further on in the email text. If you are going to personalise, see if there’s any way to bring in the subscriber’s preferences.

Some stats have shown that subscribers much prefer emails or digital campaigns that recommend products or stories based upon the subscriber’s previous actions or purchases.

Are they Seeing Things Clearly?

Most people now receive and read emails on a small, portable device. In fact, research has showed that nearly half of emails are opened on mobile phone. Make sure that you have configured your e-newsletter to adapt well to different reading devices – nothing frustrates subscribers more than an email or website that isn’t mobile- or tablet-friendly.

If you don’t know how to do this, take the time to learn, or contact a company, such as The Print Group ( who can help you. It is worth the extra work. Also consider if you want your entire e-newsletter to be available in the email body, or if you would prefer to direct traffic to your website.

Are you being Clingy?

One of the top reasons people choose to unsubscribe from digital marketing materials, including e-newsletters, is due to the high number of emails they receive. Don’t feel that you need to be putting your business in the spotlight every day, or you might just find subscribers start to drop away.

It’s far better to publish all your news and campaigns in one, content-filled digital campaign on a weekly or fortnightly basis. This won’t make people feel overwhelmed or irritated by constant emails from your business, and they may actually take more time to read over the content.

Timing is Everything

Be honest. Are you really going to read an e-newsletter during typical business hours? For most people, 9 till 5 Monday to Friday is work time, and even if they download your emails during this time, they probably aren’t going to give much or any attention to emails that aren’t extremely important. The best time to send your digital campaign is between 8pm and midnight.

Don’t be afraid to test different campaigns. If something doesn’t work the way you planned, then you know something that you can change for next time.

Republished with permission from HiTechReviewRead the original.


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