Business Owner Invites Entire Staff to Shen Yun

“The show represents purity, gaiety and at the same time allows one to release daily stress. The show is truly impressive, beautiful and enjoyable,” Mr. Berg said.
Business Owner Invites Entire Staff to Shen Yun
Mr. Hartmut Kroll, a German architect, and his partner, Ms. Vetterlein, attend Shen Yun Performing Arts in Berlin. The Epoch Times
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BERLIN—A generous business owner invited 40 of his employees to see Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company at the Berlin Internationales Congress Centrum. Mr. Berg owns several pharmacies and said he was fascinated by what he had read about Shen Yun.

“The show represents purity, gaiety and at the same time allows one to release daily stress. The show is truly impressive, beautiful and enjoyable,” Mr. Berg said.

He said he wanted everyone to see what was written on the Shen Yun website, “Through the universal language of music and dance, Shen Yun weaves a wondrous tapestry of heavenly realms, ancient legends, and modern heroic tales, taking you on a journey through 5,000 years of Chinese culture.”

Mr. Berg said the performers made a strong impression on him. “There are so many extraordinary young dancers that are filled with a spirit not easily defined.”

According to the Shen Yun website, “A Shen Yun performance features the world’s foremost classically trained dancers.”

The performance gave Mr. Berg a refreshed feeling. “Yes, the show is truly pleasant. One can get lost and forget reality. One forgets the daily life and gets swept along in what is shown on stage. It is like a holiday, a holiday from daily life.”

Mr. Berg said he felt he had a new view of the many people who make up China. “It is unbelievable. One gets a positive impression of the different cultures and minorities in China.”

Shen Yun includes dances from the Yi, the Mongolian, the Tibetan, the Bai and the majority Han people.

One of the features that strike audience members most is Shen Yun’s colorful costumes. Mr. Berg noted how well they support the choreography.

“It is amazing to see the different costumes. They all seem to blend so well into the dance,” he said.

As if it was an afterthought he said, “I’m glad I invited all my employees to come and see this show.” 

With reporting by Qin Huang

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit