Business Engineer Says About Shen Yun Dancer: ‘This young man is a true artist’

“I’m fascinated by the many new elements that I found in this year’s performance. This show represents to me a new world.”
Business Engineer Says About Shen Yun Dancer: ‘This young man is a true artist’

ZURICH—The Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company’s third performance at the Kongresshaus in Zurich on March 23 was well attended.

Mr. Jan Dublin, a business engineer at the Zurich Kantonalbank has come to see the New York-based performers for the second time in a row. With him was Ms. Isabell Steinhoff, who is employed at a media agency in Zurich. Some of Mr. Dublin’s friends had also come to the show on his recommendation.

“I saw Shen Yun last year in Bregenz, and I enjoyed it as much as this year’s show,” he said.

“I’m fascinated by the many new elements that I found in this year’s performance. This show represents to me a new world.”

“I was touched by the scenes about Falun Dafa practitioners and the mystical experience in the scene The Dafa Practitioners Magical Encounter. This was presented so well, that one could feel that this young man is a true artist. One could feel the emotions of the young man. I think that was why I and so many others were touched.”

Ms. Steinhoff couldn’t agree more, “Yes, I also was very impressed with what I saw. This was my first time of seeing this show. It was amazing.”

“The choreography was outstanding. What impressed me most were the scenes about Falun Dafa, especially as the content was of modern times. In my opinion, this was important to have this presented to the audience. It shows that certain things that don’t have a good ending truly exist, or more to the point, in which the end result is awful. That is why these scenes touched my heart so deeply.”

Turning to the subject of the live orchestra, she said “This was a great combination of European and Asian instruments. Great harmony.”

“Beautiful costumes, especially the scene Sleeves of Silk was very classic. This was very impressive, especially since this is not something one sees on stage here,” she said.

But most of Ms. Steinhoff’s comments were about the dancing.

“The hand postures were very unique. Also exceptional were all the little details,” she said. “There is no doubt in my mind that the choreography was of exceptionally high level.”

“If anyone has been exposed to dance, one could see that it must have taken hours upon hours of rehearsal to be able to do the hand movements. It was so impressive.”

From the tiny details of dance, she turned to her overall impression: “The many turns by the dancers were impressive. The dancers were so focused and so well rehearsed ... It was of such high level.”

Reporting by An Ran

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company will next perform in Frankfurt, Germany from March 30-31.

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