Bullies First Drive Teen to Suicide, Now Target Her Parents

Bullies First Drive Teen to Suicide, Now Target Her Parents
Tom Ozimek

Unable to cope with years of painful bullying at her Yucaipa, California school, 13-year-old Rosalie Avila did the unthinkable—she hanged herself in her bedroom.

Before she tried to take her own life, she wrote her parents a note.

“Sorry, Mom and Dad. I love you," Freddie Avila, the girl’s father, said to CBS reporters. “Sorry, Mom, you’re gonna find me like this.”

Rosalie’s parents spoke to reporters Sunday, Dec. 3, outside the Loma Linda Children’s Hospital, where she has been on life support since the day she tried to commit suicide.

“My daughter had the whole world,” her tearful father told NBC.  “Now, I just have to think about what she could have done or what she could have become.”

Rosalie’s parents plan to take her off life support on Monday evening, reports CBS, and donate her organs.

But the bullying that drove Rosalie to try and take her own life is now targeting Freddie and Charlene Avila, the girl’s distraught parents.

A horrifying message was sent to them by an anonymous someone, replete with photos of their daughter, a bed, and an open grave.

“Hey mom. Next time don’t tuck me in this,” reads the caption beside their daughter’s head photoshopped onto someone’s body, standing beside a bed.
“Tuck me in THIS,” says the other meme, pointing to a freshly dug grave.

Rosalie’s parents find the message shocking.

“For you to do that, I mean, you’re heartless,“ said Rosalie’s mother, reports CBS, ”You’re a very heartless person, and you have no compassion.”

Rosalie’s mother says she tracked the abuse she suffered at the hands of bullies.

“She kept a journal or a diary of the people who hurt her and people that called her ugly and just putting her down,” Rosalie’s mom told ABC 13.

Her parents have turned the document over to the police. The Avila’s also believe the school could have done more to prevent this tragedy, and want the district to act to prevent bullying.

Rosalie’s parents were joined by extended family at a vigil on Friday, Dec. 1, ABC 13 reported, to say farewell to their daughter.

Mesa View Middle School released a statement about the tragic suicide.

“No one can fathom the heartbreak and confusion that we are certain many of our students and their families are feeling right now, especially the families of those students that have been most closely struck by this event,” the statement said.

According to the GoFundMe page set up for Rosalie, she was smart and had good grades.

“She loved the beach & liked going out to the snow,” the girl’s mom wrote on GoFundMe. “She always remembered her friends birthdays and would go out of her way to get them a gift. She truly cared about people.

“She’s loved by so many people & by her family. She was daddy’s girl and mommy’s princess. She wanted to be a lawyer and wanted to help the world to be a better place,” Rosalie’s mother wrote on GoFundMe. “The world lost a treasure.

“She was a beautiful person inside and out,” she wrote.

“Her smile would light up the whole room with her laughter.”

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Ivan Petchoukov and NTD.tv contributed to this article.
Tom Ozimek
Tom Ozimek
Tom Ozimek is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times. He has a broad background in journalism, deposit insurance, marketing and communications, and adult education.