Bullied Student With Autism Turns the Tables When Biker Dad Brings Rider Friends to His School

Bullied Student With Autism Turns the Tables When Biker Dad Brings Rider Friends to His School
(Illustration - coxy58/Shutterstock)

When the father of 12-year-old autistic student Alex Lacki discovered that his son was being bullied at school for his disabilities, dad Daniel decided to bring a group of his motorcyle-riding friends around after class to give the preteen a little extra street cred in an incredible parenting move.

Alex suffers from both autism spectrum disorder and ADHD, a combination that has resulted in severe verbal abuse from his fellow students over the years.

In the past, the abuse has forced Lacki to switch schools multiple times.

On Alex’s birthday, his father, Daniel, decided to get together a group of friends to show up at his current school and give the bullies a great example of what truly being cool is like.

Daniel gathered up seven of his friends and their motorbikes, and the group rode up to Elm Court School in Brixton, the United Kingdom, to surprise the birthday boy. Alex’s mom, Marta, filmed the line of bikers—some of whom had even taken time off work to be there—as they waited out front of the school.

When Alex came out of the building, he embraced his dad in a big hug before going down the line and thanking each biker who showed up with a handshake. Then, he donned a helmet and hopped on the back of his dad’s ride, ready for a seriously cool trip back home.

When speaking with the news, Daniel and Marta admitted that the move was an effort to cheer up the young boy after the tormenting had started up at yet another school.

“At his current school, things were going OK at first, but eventually other kids started to pick on him,” Daniel said, according to Daily Mail. “He was crying every day before school, we were completely powerless.”

After this neat little stunt, though, the torments have stopped altogether, Daniel claims. His dad said that the young boy was clearly thrilled with the gesture, which both served to show the other kids how cool he could be and as a pretty neat birthday gift.

“Alex is now doing much better and he said it was the best birthday he ever had,” he adds.

The video was shared on the Inner City Riderz Facebook group, who posted the gesture with a caption hoping that it would end the bullying.

“We hope that this little act will help Alex with the bullies!” they wrote.

Hopefully, the young boys and girls who had been tormenting Alex before will learn to be kinder even when there aren’t groups of slick motorcycles driving students home from school. But for now, at least one student can go to bed feeling happy and confident that he can go to school in the morning and focus on learning with a little more respect from classmates.