Brussels Terrorists Had Possibily Planned an Attack on Nuclear Power Plant

The terrorists responsible for the bombing of the Brussels airport had also gathered information on Belgium’s nuclear power program, and may have been planning an attack on one of the nuclear power plants.
Brussels Terrorists Had Possibily Planned an Attack on Nuclear Power Plant
The cooling towers of Belgium's Doel nuclear plant on January 12, 2016 EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images
Jonathan Zhou

Turkey warned Belgium that el-Bakraoui might have been a foreign fighter in Syria.

The Islamic State’s spying on the nuclear program director has been confirmed by an anonymous U.S. official, according to CBS News. 

Some suspect that a possible infiltration of a nuclear power plant had been averted because ISIS ringleader Salah Abdeslam, a participant in the Paris shootings, was finally captured last week, and that his arrest triggered the Brussel bombings. 

The Brussels bombing of an airport and a subway station left 31 dead and 300 injured, and was the worst terrorist attack in Belgian history. 

In February, Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon said that there was only a threat “to the person in question, but not the nuclear facilities.” 

“To date, we have no indication that there is a specific threat to the Belgian nuclear sites. The nuclear industry is one of the best protected areas,” Jambon said, the Independent reports. 

Both of the Belgian nuclear power plants were briefly evacuated after the Brussels attack. 

Jonathan Zhou
Jonathan Zhou
Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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