Bronx Science Principal Valerie Reidy Retiring

Bronx Science Principal Valerie Reidy Retiring

NEW YORK—Bronx High School of Science Principal Valerie Reidy announced her retirement on June 12, according to an email sent by her to the entire school.

Reidy stated in the email that her 65th birthday was approaching and that “at this point in my pension status, it makes no financial sense to continue” working at the specialized high school known for its eight Nobel laureates. 

Students cheered her departure on Facebook. Many seniors jokingly attributed the announcement to the profane senior chants that were shouted to denounce her Monday afternoon. 

One student expressed fear that the assistant principal of guidance, Shun Fang Chung, would be Reidy’s replacement. A teacher at the school, who posted on Facebook about the principal’s retirement, said that there has been no word on her replacement.

Many problems within the school, such as the dismissal of multiple mathematics teachers or the culture of unhappiness that teachers suffer from, have been attributed to Reidy’s leadership of the top-tier high school.

Shannon Liao is a native New Yorker who attended Vassar College and the Bronx High School of Science. She writes business and tech news and is an aspiring novelist.