Boy, 4, Survives Being Tossed From Wa. Bridge Into River

Boy, 4, Survives Being Tossed From Wa. Bridge Into River
The Associated Press

MONTESANO, Wash.—Authorities are investigating after a young boy was apparently thrown from a railroad bridge about 25 feet into the Wynoochee River west of Olympia.

The Seattle Times reports authorities are looking at reckless endangerment charges for the mother and the 35-year-old man who tossed the 4-year-old last week.

Grays Harbor Sheriff’s Department Chief Criminal Deputy Steve Shumate says a video posted to Facebook of the incident shows the boy being tossed “like a rag doll.”

Authorities say the boy was not hurt.

Child Protective Services is reportedly involved in the case.

Brianna Jones, who saw the incident, told The Washington Post that the boy’s head nearly hit a steel beam.

“We all started freaking out and yelling at her, ‘You can’t do that!” Jones told the newspaper. “She said, ‘He’s my kid, and it’s none of your business.’ If that happened out in the open, you can only imagine what’s happened to the kid behind closed doors.”

“You just don’t throw a kid off a bridge!” she said. “It made me so mad. … People like that shouldn’t have children.”

A video that was posted on Facebook showed the boy being thrown, and it was shared en masse.

Epoch Times contributed to this report.