‘Blue Dam’ Internet Filtering Software Expected to Surpass ‘Green Dam’

New ‘Blue Dam’ Internet filtering software being prepared said to surpass capabilities of ‘Green Dam’ by 20 times.
‘Blue Dam’ Internet Filtering Software Expected to Surpass ‘Green Dam’

Despite the controversy around the Green Dam Internet filtering software, the Shanghai Andatong Information Safety Technology Company is embarking on plans to manufacture Blue Dam, a filtering software project worth 800 million yuan.

On July 2, Andatong announced that its “Blue Dam Internet Pilot” software will function as a management system over all networks. Blue Dam comes in two modes, one that is purely software-based, and another that uses a combination of software and hardware. The software and hardware combination version of Blue Dam is expected to have capabilities that surpass Green Dam by 20 times.

The business edition of Blue Dam includes a graphics filter system, administrative management system, Internet behavior manager, VPN client, etc. The company’s website also claims that the system will be built with comprehensive protection and filtering systems “with powerful filtering and control functions to better guide and standardize users’ Internet behaviors.”

Green Dam Incident

Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced that after July 1, all computers produced and sold within China must be pre-installed with the Green Dam Youth Escort Internet filtering software. All computers imported into China will be installed with Green Dam prior to hitting the market.

The Ministry’s statement provoked controversy after Internet users revealed Green Dam’s filter glossary. The glossary contained over 2,700 pornographic keywords, but also over 6,500 non-obscene words, most of which are related to Falun Gong (falunword.lib).

Under international heavy pressure, the Chinese communist regime stated that manufacturers may postpone the installation of Green Dam based on their practical circumstances.

Read the original Chinese article