Bill O’Reilly Tweet on Justice Ginsburg’s Surgery Receives Criticism From Meghan McCain and Others

Bill O’Reilly Tweet on Justice Ginsburg’s Surgery Receives Criticism From Meghan McCain and Others
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg participates in a lecture at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington on Sept. 26, 2018. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Bill O’Reilly is under the media spotlight again, and not for something positive.

On Dec. 21, the ex-host for Fox News posted a tweet about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer surgery. He received an overwhelmingly negative reception from Twitter users.

“Justice Ginsburg is very ill. Another Justice appointment inevitable and soon. Bad news for the left.” O’Reilly tweeted.

Many Twitter users expressed their outrage and frustration in their response, some even offensive. While many posted a meme or wrote short exclamatory sentences, a few others elaborated on their point.

“Are you a monster? What’s wrong with you? The lady is in poor health and you’re making an issue of her political affiliation? Her value as a human being is not determined by which side of the fence she’s on?” Twitter user Ian Logan said.
“Trust me, I want Justice Ginsburg to be replaced with a Republican. But to bring her health and situation up in the same convo as her being replaced is just insensitive, heartless, and awful. That woman has worked for our country for 25 yrs. Have some respect,” another Twitter user Crystal Morse responded.

Among the over 37,000 responses, Meghan McCain, also give her comment.

In addition to co-hosting “The View,” Meghan McCain is the daughter of the late John McCain, a former U.S. Senator and Republican nominee for president in the 2008 election. Just four months ago, John McCain lost his battle with brain cancer.

In her post, Meghan McCain called O’Reilly’s comment “gross and ghoulish.”

“There’s really nothing more gross and ghoulish than people in the media pontificating on a public persons health and the hypothetical political ramifications of their death. Join me in praying for RBG to have a speedy and healthy recovery—we are Christians, aren’t we Bill?” McCain tweeted.

Previous Scandals

Some Twitter users related the unpopularity of O’Reilly’s tweet to his previous scandal. Spanning more than a dozen years, six women have accused O’Reilly of sexual harassment, with the lawsuits resulting in settlements, reported The New York Times.

The latest settlement in 2017 was by far the largest, with an agreement price of $32 billion. Adding together the previous five settlements, O’Reilly paid a total of $45 billion to settle the allegations.

But it’s not just the settlements themselves that were expensive. The scandals also led advertisers to pull their ads with O’Reilly’s show “The O'Reilly Factor.”

Although O’Reilly denied the allegations made against him, 21st Century Fox released a statement in April 2017 announcing the departure of the top-rated talk show host.

“After a thorough and careful review of the allegations, the Company and Bill O’Reilly have agreed that Bill O’Reilly will not be returning to the Fox News Channel," the statement said.
In contrast to O’Reilly’s insensitivity, President Donald Trump wished Ginsburg a speedy recovery on Twitter, despite his expressed disappointment with Ginsburg two years ago on the same platform.

“Wishing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg a full and speedy recovery!” Trump Posted.

Ginsburg’s Surgery

On Dec. 21, the Supreme Court confirmed in a statement that Ginsburg had come out of an operation removing cancer from her left lung.

The statement also said that there was no cancer left and that no future treatment had been planned. Ginsburg is resting comfortably and will stay at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City for a few days.

The discovery of the cancer was incidental. After sustaining three rib fractures due to a fall in her office, Ginsburg had tests performed to diagnose and treat the fracture, which detected the cancer.

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