Biden to Submit Gun Law Recommendations by Tuesday

Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that he is committed to delivering recommendations to curb gun control by Tuesday next week, after a week of meetings with stakeholders.
Biden to Submit Gun Law Recommendations by Tuesday
Vice President Joe Biden, the head of a task force to find ways to curb gun violence, told White House reporters Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013, that he is looking for common ground not to "solve every problem but diminish the probability" of mass shootings. Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images
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 WASHINGTON—Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that he is committed to delivering recommendations to curb gun control by Tuesday next week. 

Following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., last month, Biden was tasked by President Obama to examine ways to reduce gun violence in the United States and report back with “concrete proposals” by the end of January.

Twenty children aged between six and seven years old, as well as seven adults, died in the shooting.

During a week of meetings with stakeholders, including heads of federal agencies and representatives of the anti-gun lobby, the pro-gun lobby, and the video and entertainment industry, Biden told reporters that he was considering several recommendations based on what had been repeatedly mentioned.

Recommendations have included “universal background checks” that would be more comprehensive than simply covering loopholes in gun exchanges at gun shows.

Addressing ammunition in the form of high-capacity magazines is also on the agenda, along with the ability of federal agencies to pursue research on gun violence.

Agencies need to be able to gather information on “what kind of weapons are used most to kill people” and “what kind of weapons are trafficked weapons,” Biden said, according to a White House pool report.

Biden said that he has not yet met with gun manufactures, but that he is hoping to hold discussions with them in a conference call. 

“There has got to be some common ground, to not solve every problem but diminish the probability” of future mass shootings, he said, according to the pool report. “That’s what this is all about.”

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