Baby Shocks Adults When She’s Able to Swim on Her Own

Epoch Video

The myth surrounding babies being natural swimmers is something many of us believe. However, a study carried out by a Professor called Jeffery Wagener, a Paediatric Pulmonologist from Colorado, showed that a natural reflex called the bradycardic response happens when a baby is submerged under water causing them to hold their breath and open their eyes.

This natural response does assist babies when swimming to prevent them from drowning, however, there isn’t any scientific proof that babies themselves are naturally able to swim. The babies in this video show that you’re never too young to get in that pool and start swimming, that with a little encouragement from mummy and daddy, the inner Olympian in them begins to surface in no time.

The real credit instead goes to an organization called the Live Like Jake Foundation, who since 2013 had been dedicated to promoting awareness about accidental drowning in infants, toddlers and small children. The Raorke family lost their son Jake tragically through accidental drowning which encouraged them to create the Jake foundation. The foundation is a charity-based organization that provide families and their children with free lessons who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford them. They also offer support and advice to families to help them safeguard their children from an accident that inevitably caused little Jake to lose his life

The children look so adorable kicking their little legs around in the pool, and you can’t help but smile as you see them swimming so effortlessly around the water. The reality and reasoning behind these lessons are very real and very scary for all parents’ caretakers and guardians. Let’s just hope more awareness is raised and more organizations like the Jake Foundation continue to do the excellent work they’ve been doing for many more years to come.

Video Credit: JukinVideo | Elizabeth Swims -