Baby Girl Paralyzed by Vaccine, Mother Arrested for Seeking Compensation

Baby Girl Paralyzed by Vaccine, Mother Arrested for Seeking Compensation
A doctor injecting a baby with vaccine. (Fred Tanneau/AFP/Getty Images)
Daniel Holl

A Chinese mother was detained by police for seeking compensation after her child was partially paralyzed by a vaccine, the Chinese-language Epoch Times reported on March 23.

Local authorities in Henan Province, China, said that He Fangmei would be jailed for 15 days for alleged “disorderly behavior.” On March 21, at the end of the detention period, she was not released by police and her family did not receive any information from the authorities.

It turned out that the mother was transferred to a detention center. He’s husband, Li Xin, was only to find about her whereabouts after being told by an elderly guard who worked at the police station’s front door.


After He was detained, government authorities began shadowing and spying on Li.

“Any parents who tries to get justice for the children who are harmed by vaccines become ’social enemies’,” Li told the Epoch Times.

In May 2018, He’s daughter received a DTP vaccination for inoculation against diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus. The girl’s hands and feet were then damaged by the immunization. To help her as quickly as possible, the parents took her to Beijing for medical treatment, and rented a house.

Suddenly, the owner of the rental house told the parents to vacate the property by a certain date. Local authorities pressured the owner to threaten the family. The family was told that any of their belongings that was left in the house would be thrown out.

Important medical documents for the daughter’s treatment were in the house, and Li went back to the house with his daughter to retrieve them. While at the train station, he was suddenly apprehended by a SWAT team.

“This was the first time in my life that I ever experienced being kidnapped like this,” Li told the Chinese Epoch Times.

The father was detained by the police and later released.

Li said that in the nine months since his daughter was disabled, his wife He complained to the local government many times for a fair compensation on medical expenses. She was refused time and time again.

In response, He went to higher authorities, and even out on the streets, to seek help for her daughter’s injuries. She did this in her hometown in Xinxiang, and also in Beijing.

He and Li intended to warn other parents of the dangers of vaccination, but instead have received many kinds of pressure from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They’ve been detained and suppressed in various ways, even being barred from using the internet.

Recently, the CCP held the “Lianghui,” literally translated as Two Meetings, which concluded in mid-March. During the meeting, many people were arrested for a broad range of accusations, including parents who complained about harmful vaccines.

Deadly Vaccines

In China, children have not only been injured by poorly made vaccine, but even killed. Two children died in early February from botchy Chinese vaccinations.

One child, named Han Xu, passed away on Feb. 8. He was born in October 2014, and received a leprosy vaccine 10 months later. He soon began having fevers and spasms. He spent two months in an intensive care unit.

Han had to be fed through his nose, and he could smile and eat. However, he was unable to speak or walk. He was often sick. The parents took him to many different hospitals, but his illness was never resolved. Han was diagnosed with meningitis.

When the boy passed away, his body was kept from the parents, and no explanation was given by authorities. Examinations were given to Han to check if his illness was hereditary, but all of the exams returned negative results. Specialists were not allowed to sign off on examinations given to Han.

Another boy, named He Shangze, passed away on Feb. 10. He had received a vaccination for Polio and DTP (diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus) in October 2014.

The next evening, He returned to the hospital with a high fever and went into shock. He was diagnosed with meningitis. A specialist group suggested that He was poisoned by vaccine.

Epoch Times reporter Liu Yi contributed to this report.
Daniel Holl is a Sacramento, California-based reporter, specializing in China-related topics. He moved to China alone and stayed there for almost seven years, learning the language and culture. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
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