Associate Professor: ‘The energy of the performance touched me’

“I believe the performance itself was very contagious.”
Associate Professor: ‘The energy of the performance touched me’
Lee Yeeu-Chang, associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Chung Yuan Christian University, and his wife Chen Quiwne, senior manager at a private bank, gave their thumbs up after watching Shen Yun Performing Arts in Taoyuan. Selena Liang/The Epoch Times
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TAOYUAN, Taiwan—A family get together was held at the Taoyuan County Performing Arts Center, where a world-renown performance was held by the Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company that took the stage for the fourth time in three days.

Lee Yeeu-Chang, an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Chung Yuan Christian University, and his wife Chen Quiwne, a senior manager at a private bank, both gave a thumbs up in their praise of the performance. They described the likeness of the show to that of “Heaven on Earth.”

“The intertwining of storytelling throughout the performances allowed the audience to become immersed in the stories,” Mr. Lee said. “I was most impressed by the program The Sand Monk Is Blessed. The entire story was just fantastic.

“And I believe the performance itself was very contagious, for I had originally thought that it was going to be another boring Chinese dance, but the energy of the performance touched me—changing my mood and emotion,” he added.

Mr. Lee said that he will show his support by clicking on the “Like” button on the Shen Yun’s Facebook page. “In fact, I have already checked it on Facebook,” he said. “People will know how much I love Shen Yun when they see that I had checked it on Facebook. I will definitely learn more about Shen Yun when I go home and introduce the performance to everyone—my students, family, and friends.

“Also, I would like to learn more about Falun Gong,” he said.

His wife nodded and said, “That’s right. I also would like to know more about what Falun Gong is ... ,” Ms. Chen said.

‘Heaven on Earth’

“The movements were all in unison. The dancers were light as feather—not a single sound was heard from their landing, and they were floating,” Mrs. Lee said. “Whether they were standing still or moving on stage, all of their movements were different from what I have usually seen from other performances. The twists, and turns, and the fluidity of the dancing moves gave me a feeling as if I were in Heaven, or should I say Heaven on Earth.”

“I could feel a powerful energy flowing,” she added. “I cannot describe in depth this feeling. An unknown power was there to support the performers. It made them lightweight. I believe this has to do with their cultivation practice.”

As if she were in deep contemplation, Mrs. Lee finally added, “I believe that an energy originating from the universe is guiding these performers to make all of their movements so perfect.”

“I will definitely come again next year,” she concluded.

Read the original Chinese article.

Reporting by Li Yun and Frank Fang

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit